
Topic: Research/Metrics

How To Approach Teen Consumer

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I have to do moderation of some teen group meanwhile I was older than them a lot (I was around 36 years old). Can you share with me some method to approach this segment comfortably?
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  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Member
    Wow, teenagers, where's Shelley for some advice now?

    A few points:

    Don't try to be like them, and don't act like a parent, either.

    It's important to understand they may use a different vocabulary, but they still should understand yours even if you don't know all their jargon. ask them what something means if they use a word you don't understand.

    Treat them like equals, and never talk down to them.

    Recognise that teenagers personalities vary just as much adults do - if not more so - and some may have self-awareness and self-esteem issues that mean they find it difficult to hold eye contact or to say what they really think in front of their peers.

    Having said that, there's teen-agers, and there's tee-nagers. Depending on where you are moderating, and why, you might be talking to teens who think they are gangsters, or teens who think they are destined to be running the country one day.

    As with any groups, recruit carefully.

    Best of luck!


  • Posted on Author
    Thank you Dan. But the article was expired already. In case you had the article, please send it to me through the address or

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