
Topic: Strategy

Would This Work As A Press Release

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
Anguilla, “Serenity wrapped in blue” is also known for its’ privacy, high end hotels, and luxury homes. And one of its biggest secrets: AXAstone Works. AXAstone is a privately owned company that provides the luxury of natural stone to the residents of Anguilla and surrounding islands.

Axastone only imports the highest quality stone which is most suitable for the islands’ climatic and other conditions – the environment in which the stone will “perform”.

Granite, created by nature and fashioned man, is an investment homeowners will never regret. With deep iridescent colors, granite offers an elusive, one-of-a-kind beauty created only in nature. As a result, granite countertops add distinct character and warmth to kitchens, bathrooms, and other areas of a home with richness that cannot be duplicated in synthetic materials.

Granite is second only to diamonds in hardness. Simply stated; granite is the best work surface available. Its’ surface is extremely durable. Unlike marble, synthetic and laminate countertops, granite countertops are scratch and stain resistant. Granite countertops can withstand hot pots without the use of a protective product. And its cool polished surface is ideal for rolling out pastry dough. Granite countertops are a beautiful, durable and a cost competitive solution for kitchens, baths and other residential and commercial applications.

Natural stones are considered to be the oldest building material known to man. The use of natural stone materials adds both permanence and elegance to modern construction. Any natural stone, or combination of natural stones, will enhance your building space with an aesthetically pleasing image while providing a façade of high performance with low maintenance.

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  • Posted on Member
    Sorry, this is not a news release. But is an interesting read.

    To turn it into a pres release you really need to punch up your unique capabilities like the person above - just the KEY facts. Feel free to contact me I might be able to help.

    I think you also have the good outline for a story that a editor would look at for a luxury home design/architectural publication, especially if you have the visuals to go with it.
  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Member
    No. It's just a puff-piece.

    If you want editorial coverage, then pick your favourite journalist and fly them to the factory for an all-expenses paid junket.

    Let them do the writing.

    Hope that helps.

  • Posted on Accepted
    Others have implied this, but to make this a press release, you need some kind of news in the first paragraph. In other words, some observation or event that is different from the steady state. Plus the rest needs to be factual, whatever the trade association has decided to tell people.

    You could ask a different question - you'd likely assign it more importance than 25 points would indicate - and ask people for ideas about media strategy for your product. I bet you'd get some useful discussion. Good luck.

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