
Topic: Strategy

Joining The Chamber Of Commerce As Marketing Tool?

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
I'm the marketing manager at a chain of retail stores. Our stores are in 8 different towns and we belong to some of the chambers of commerces in those towns.

We've attended one chamber event and thus far they appear to be "networking" opportunities for insurance and travel agents. Not at all the dynamic marketing opportunity we were promised.

Same goes for the Chamber publications & websites. They're messy, unprofessional and have small distributions.

Long story short, has anyone found value in joining their local chamber of commerce? At a $500 membership fee I'm thinking seriously about not signing up again. However, I wonder if politically its a bad idea to withdraw.

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  • Posted by CarolBlaha on Member
    Your perception that members will hold your non association against you is probably not founded. If you withdraw, you may have a chamber rep call you-- and be candid- "whats in it for me".

    With a small distribution list and sloppy marketing materials, your customers probably don't even know or care that you belong. Some chambers list all members in a public directory-- some the directory is for members only. That to me really limits their effectiveness.

    To be fair, the reason the chamber doesn't work for you is your limited involvement. Just attending a networking meeting will not give you much exposure. Just being a member is like joining a health club and wondering why you didn't lose weight. You have to work at it. I tell clients to get involved in their communities -- chambers or nonprofits-- and to be effective serve on a committee-- and I prefer board level. Yes, it takes time and commitment. Entrepreneurs don't have 9-5 jobs. A store with mulitple locations should give back and should be a community leader more than 9-5.

    There are other ways to be visible in your community. As a chamber, which is often more suited for business to business entities-- there may be other ways to get more juice for your $ and be a community leader and example.

    Sell Well and Prosper tm
  • Posted by michael on Member

    Carol is exactly right. With any organization, a company must ask what they get from membership.

    If you're one of the biggest businesses in town, you don't need membership....not for $500. If you feel you want to hang on....join as an individual. Probably $25.

    On the other hand, you can sponsor events/seminars:

    "Getting your product into retail stores"

    Unfortunately YOU have to create your own value in most memberships.

  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Member
    the real networking comes when you take part in the actual working committee structure of the chamber. For instance, taking part on the committee for a gala fund raiser may give you opportunities to associate with the upper levels of business owners, taking part on the committee for a 3-on-3 basketball tourney may open doors for networking with young people. I suggest, dont just go, be one of the people who make the events happen..... you will soon find the value you seek.

    Email me through my profile if you have specific questions...
    Frank Hurtte

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