
Topic: Strategy

Something Better Than Door Hanger Bags?

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I'd like to distribute brochures using door hanger bags, but I've realized that a lot of people don't have a typical "door knob" on their doors, hence a problem of how to hang the brochure? I was wondering if anyone knew an alternate method. My goal is to save postage and raise a modest amount of new business to afford direct mailings.
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  • Posted by michael on Member
    You can usually get away with hanging things on the mailbox, tho technically illegal. Some overzealous postman might cause problems for you. I learned this the hard way in 1983 when I was newly in sales.

    Biggest problem with doorhangers is that so many people have garage door openers and never use their front door.

    But, anyway you can make it fit---rolled into the storm door handle. Placed between storm door and front door. Wedged between storm door and frame.

    Take notes when this you do this. You're looking for signs that someone would need what you're selling. You didn't say....but if there's a new stroller box in the garbage by the curb and you sell baby-related service/product you want to call them on the phone within 72 hours.

  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Member
    Could you attach a self-adhesive flexible magnet strip, like a thin fridge magnet, and stick it to the ouside of the mailbox magnetically?

    Or are mailboxes made of non-ferrous metal?
  • Posted by darcy.moen on Member
    Might I recommend custm printed post-it notes (registered trade mark of 3m)? I've seen them advertised around various magazines, and they look great. They come with that special 3m adheisive that doesn;t mark doors. Buy them in pads of 100 or 250, custom printed with your message. Stick on the door, and done!

    Another neat trick is to go out on Garbage collection day and stick your note on top of the garbage can lid. Everyone drags their trash bin back into the garage at the end of the day 9and when empty), your message gets seen.

    Darcy Moen
    Custoemr Loyalty Network
  • Posted on Member
    I want to do something similar and I was thinking about using door hangers like this:

    I have a home and business computer repair company in Delaware and I am trying to get more customers.

    Check out my company:

    What do you think about door hanger bags with a brochure, price comparison sheet and a coupon?

    We are going to place them on front doors or mailboxes....not sure which. Anyone have any tips?


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