
Topic: Strategy

Use Of Balanced Scorecard In The Public Sector

Posted by bobhogg on 250 Points
I am working with some colleagues on developing marketing training for a UK Public Sector organisation which is at an early stage in implementing a change programme based on the Balanced Scorecard approach.

Does anyone have experience of the use of the Balanced Scorecard in the Public Sector, particularly how the "customer perspective" element of the scorecard can be applied in this context?
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  • Posted by bobhogg on Author
    Thanks, "The Consultant"...

    Looks like some really useful links there - as it's nearly 7:00 p.m. Friday evening here in the UK, I'm "downing tools" for the weekend, but will have a detailed look at them on Monday!

    Thanks again,

  • Posted by bobhogg on Author
    Doesn't look like there are any more ideas out there, so, thanks again, "Consultant" for those links - very helpful!


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