
Topic: Research/Metrics

What Is The Best Web Metric Measurment Tool?

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
We are about to launch a new retail site and have been shopping around for a professional but reasonably priced web metric measurement tool. Specifically we want to measure visitors by channel, customers by channel, order value, items purchased, conversion rates, order value per customer and other transaction data. We have looked at WebTrends,, GoToast and some others. Another criteria is to make sure it is easy to 'install' and reports are easy to understand. A web based solution would also be preferable. Which of these, or others, do you recommend using to get the best stats from a retail site?
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  • Posted by ReadCopy on Member
    If your looking for a free tool, webanalyse ( is supposed to be good (


    ClickTracks ( has won awards and everything!


    Look here for tons of ideas!
  • Posted on Member
    You're not looking at stats pages just for the heck of it, right? So the tool that gives you the most useful data, fastest, is going to be the one.

    If you're seriously numerate then maybe you can spot trands in a spreadsheet. (I can't)
    So I'd suggest either which has neat 'click to drill down' approach - and you can save the analysis paths that you create, or, yes, clicktracks... because putting the statistics on the web age you're analysing is intuitive in a monkey-see monkey-do way. And you might pick up something that's missed on tools that seperate the stats from the page (ie a link in the top right corner doesn't do as well as...etc)

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