
Topic: Strategy

Post National What?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Just returned from a National Conference. I made good contacts and have a stack of biz cards. I am not sure what is the most effective way to do a follow up. I am thinking of once I input the info in our CMS program and create my list, I am thinking of sending them a thank you letter along with a promo that they may have seen and maybe even picked up from our table (in order to refresh their memory of us and our brand). I'm also hoping to not be mixed in the large pool of thank you's. If I have to be I wonder when and if the above approach is best practice to execute. Thoughts?
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  • Posted by CarolBlaha on Accepted
    First, don't worry about being lost in a large pool of thank you's. Industry stats say 70% of all leads are not followed up!

    Send your thank you's ASAP. Fresh from the show, your contacts are fresh-- and you are fresh in their mind. If you wait, their memory will dim.

    From there, continually follow up, build the relationship and sales will come.

    Sell Well and Prosper tm
  • Posted by mlittle on Accepted
    I agree with the personalized hand written follow up right away! I would also suggest for future trade shows that when you collect a business card, after the person walks away, write down a few things you talked about. That way when you follow up you can say "Jane, It was great talking with you the other day. I know we discussed XYZ and I wanted to let you know that our company can..."

  • Posted by michael on Accepted
    We generally use this "list" to ask for feedback..not on our booth, but the event as a whole.

    If you do it by e-mail you can offer a drawing of some sort to increase response rates. Honestly, though it's a great way to decide if you need to continue to exhibit at these conferences or not.

    Do it soon while it's fresh in their minds.

  • Posted by Tracey on Member
    I echo my colleagues' advice - the sooner you follow up, the better your response will be. Along the lines of Marti's advice, the next step is to customize your messaging/offers as much as possible. If you have a big group of contacts, you can segment them into as many groups as you can handle, if it's a small group you can contact them individually. Provide them with offers and messages that are unique to their situation. For example, some of your contacts might be looking for more info about your industry/product, some might be looking for a discount, etc.
  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Member
    Ditto... Sooner the better.

    Attach an offer. Anything - something to get the conversation started.

    Opt them in to future mailings (tell them you are doing this and ask the to tell you if that's not OK).

    e-mail and handwritten or printed hard copy are both great ideas - e-mail gets you into people's address books. Join Plaxo so if they are members you stay updated - 20% of those contact details will be out of date within twelve months.

    Then do something nobody else will do. Call all of them to have a discussion about what they took away from the event. Use that feedback to drive a marketing conversation with them - and to fuel your blogs and newsletters.

    Hope that helps.


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