
Topic: Strategy

What Is The Best Way To Outsource My Telemarketing Sales?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I would be most appreciative if anyone could recommend some reputable firms with whom I could contract to do my outbound telemarketing sales (not lead generation) in exchange for a high rate of commission.


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  • Posted by telemoxie on Member
    You are asking two different questions. In order to answer the first question, what is the best way to oursource your telemarketing sales, we would need much more information (services offered, markets served, length of sales cycle, link to your web page, timeframe for results, etc.)

    And more information would also help answering your second question (reccomending some reputable firms). After all, many firms specialize in particular markets and types of services, and some of the folks on this board may be able to refer you to firms who have performed very similar work for them in the past.
  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Member
    Mat- telemoxie is the way to go if he is interested. I highly recommend his services.

  • Posted by telemoxie on Accepted
    Jett - Thanks for the plug, Jett, but I'm a fee for service company, and I do 100% business to business.

    matthegood - I do not know if you can find such a company or not. You can fairly easily get a list of a couple hundred telemarketing outfits thru Yahoo classified or Google searches, and you can download detailed records on as many as you want using ZAPDATA and five or six other web sites - and call a few and ask them.

    You can also build lists by finding a few candidate companies, then doing a Google Advanced search to find who links to them (you will probably find some on-line lists of telemarketing agencies.

    Be expecially careful about the "do not call" list. I'm not an attorney, and as a B2B guy I'm not up on B2C legal issues, but I believe that if someone makes calls on your behalf, and calls a few hundred people on the "do not call" list, you may be liable for the fines.

    If it were me, I would break this down into two phases - a lead generation role, and a closing role. I'd re-post the message on this bulliten board, asking this forum about other methods in addition to telemarketing to generate leads. And then I'd hire straight commission closers and pass the leads to them.

    If I totally had my heart set on telemarketing (which would have worked 3 years ago) I'd try to partner with a complementary firm (landscaping, builder, carpet cleaning, whatever) who targets your same market and who has "existing customer relationships" (and therefore may be exempt from the Do Not Call list).

    Another way to approach this would be to introduce yourself and your services to accountants and financial planners. Good news: you can call them - that's a B2B call and exempt from the list - and send them some details about your offerings. Bad news: they are typically most motivated to network with other companies with a large customer base, who may be able to refer clients to them...

    ... one overall concern: you are looking for an experienced and well funded company to do this work for you. Once you have trained them - would they still need you? If they are smart and aggressive, why wouldn' t they just set up a company to do the deals themselves?

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