
Topic: Other

What Is The Best Story To Quote To Impress On Brand Value During A Training Program?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I am a trainer.My company's product is of high quality and more expensive than the competition.

I am going to conduct a workshop where I want the participant to understand the importance of a brand...and thus the price factor to it.

Would like to explain this through a story..maybe an audiance participation driven story.

Please advice.
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  • Posted on Accepted

    Harley Davidson, Starbucks, and (more recently) Krispy Kreme all make for good case studies of the power of brand. Since you might have trouble talking over the thunder from a Harley and you don't want people to resent you for busting their low-carb diets, maybe you can do something with coffee.

    Before you begin your session, put some Dunkin Donuts coffee up in front of the room along with an equal amount of Starbucks. Have plenty of both. It would be interesting to see what type and how many people select each brand. Dunkin Donuts is good and popular in its own right. So why do so many people choose Starbucks? Just one of many possible tactics.
  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Member
    You know, Coca-Cola, Madonna, Dennis Rodman, and Ferrari are good subjects to get people talking.

    Check out William Arruda's site, for a lot of good info on brand equity and branding in general.

    I hope this helps!

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