
Topic: Strategy

How To Launch A Retail Site Into A New Market

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I have been charged with introducing an established ad campaign into a new market that has just recently become aware of our brand (Petroleum and Convenience Stores). The campaign promises that customers will enjoy a "helpful" experience when they visit our stores. The campaign is augmented with radio, billboard, POP, direct mail and employee training (to ensure we are delivering on our "helpful" promise).

I am wondering if anyone has suggestions as to modifications to the campaign as our brand name is not as established in this marketplace. The campaign messaging will run as it has in other markets, basically I am looking for ideas to introduce the brand in conjunction with the campaign.

Any ideas? More points to those who can give me specific tactical ideas with case study support.
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  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Member
    Can you give us specific examples of your current campaign?

    In other words, what other markets do you reach out to and how is this different?

  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Member
    Have you performed any research in the new States to see what the market is like?

    Have you identified the level of brand loyalty to existing brands (competitor analysis)?

    Are we to assume your "specific goal" is to exude a brand quality of "helpfulness" for a convenience store?

    Are you opening stores in urban or rural areas? Or both?

    I thought you stated you already planned on direct mail. Has this changed?

    If internet marketing was an option, do you have demographic data to support and justify it? What would your website offer? Do you know if your target market frequently uses the Internet? If so, do you know what sites?

    This is such a broad concept to give specific tactics with anonymous info. Someone who lives in those states might come up with general ideas. Likewise, one of the experts make want to ramble off a list of marketing tactics for you, but nothing will be "specific" without looking over your plan and procedures to date.

    Perhaps if you can answer my additional questions, I can point you in the right direction.

    Thanks again! I'm keeping an eye on this post for the next day or so.

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