
Topic: Research/Metrics

Survey When Leaving Website

Posted by Anonymous on 75 Points
I'm looking for software or services that will bring up a brief online survey as a site visitor is LEAVING the site, not as they arrive. In other words, I guess it would appear as soon as they click to another site. Does anyone have any experience with such services/software?
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  • Posted on Accepted
    Try Foresee Results. I'm not sure if their method prescribes at what point during a visit the survey comes up, but I'd think they'd work with you to satisfy your reasonable preferences. I haven't had personal experience working with them, but know the company and their services are based on a respected academic analysis method of customer satisfaction.
  • Posted by steveg on Accepted
    My question is why are you looking to put your survey when the user is bouncing out? I'm curious.
  • Posted on Accepted
    Hi temafrank,

    Some of the major online suppliers (e.g., Survey Monkey, Zoomerang) allow you to post a link on your site that directs people to a survey. It sounds like that might be your best bet. You can put a link on the page that they exit from, or they last view, if that's possible to know.

    Good luck,
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    If you capture their email address, then email them an invitation to your survey.

    You're right to worry about it being intrusive.
  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Accepted
    I've noticed that Microsoft and HP use something like this. Pretty sure they pop up after the second click within their site, though, rather than at the point of exit. I think at that point you've lost control of them (unless you're mousetrapping, which will upset Google).

    Next time I see one pop up I'll make a note of any useful information about the service vendor.

    You might also want to ask the same question at this techie forum:

    Hope that helps.


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