
Topic: Other

I Need To Give A Presentation But I Am Stuck?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I have an interview with a Law firm...For an administrative role in the Marketing Department...
My second interview i need to give a 5 minute presentation. That's where i am stuck!!
What shall i do the presentation on?
I am a nervous person - how can i handle it??
please HELP me - i am a female and have to do this in front of 2 guy's...I have been told that they are pretty much down to earth...but i am extremley worried that i may mess my chances up.............
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    You will probably come off as being more confident and in control if you talk about a subject that you know well. That doesn't mean they need to hear about a delicious family recipe or what you did on your last vacation, but it probably means that you shouldn't speak on a topic that they may feel they know better than you do.

    Why not select a work or school experience you had that (a) has some relevance to what they need and to what you will need to do or deliver in your new position, and (b) demonstrates how smart, sensitive and insightful you are ... without having to actually say those words.

    That way you are addressing a topic of interest to them, doing it in a story-telling mode, and sticking to a topic where it's unlikely they'll be able to second-guess you or pull some form of one-upsmanship.
  • Posted on Accepted
    You should talk about something you know about. You could tell them about a hobby of yours or a travel destination.
    Make sure you practice in front of family or a friend. They can give you feedback.
    Then, beforehand visualize a receptive audience and your doing well and it will happen.
    Best of luck.
  • Posted by BlueSage on Accepted
    DEFINitely talk about something you know about. You will not have as many 'ums' and 'uhs'.


    Down-to-earth means exactly that. They are NOT going to eat you alive. Relax. Take deep breaths and tell them who you are and what experience you've had in this area.

    They will probably want to see some initiative, tell them how you solved a problem, how you are proactive. Show them your personality.

    And as much as many folks are out of work right now, you DO want to know if YOU want to work there.

    Take a deep breath, take another, on the last one, hold it for 5 seconds, then exhale. Walk in and smile.
    Say hello, shake their hands. Will you be sitting? Will it be during the interview or will you just walk in and give your speech?

    They are not your enemies. They are no different than you. They WANT to see you do well. They WANT you for the position. Convince them why you are more qualified than any of the other people they have interviewed.

    Tell yourself you are confident. YOU are the wonder woman of today. Stand straight and tall. If you tell yourself you are fabulous, you will believe it and most importantly, act like it. You are not nervous, you have it under control. YES! You GO GIRL!

  • Posted on Accepted

    Much has been said on how to calm yourself down, what to make the presentation upon...all of them useful pointers no doubt BUT the root of the matter is, WHY are you afraid and WHAT is it that you are afraid of ?? If you observe your thoughts, you will find (most often than not) that its all to do with making a good impression or may be you want to know how is it that your performance is being evaluated. For a minute imagine this - that you are interviewing 2 candidates who have to make a presentation to you - one is nervous and the other confident - whom would you choose ??

    Remember how they evaluate you is not within your control, but your PERFORMANCE is within your control. Don't bother about the evaluation - just focus on the presentation (whatever it be) do your part well, enjoy the process - look at it as fun.....Enjoy yourself & let me know if you got the job !
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Present something you are passionate about (ideally something you've been reading about or doing for years).

    You're hoping to work for a marketing department, so they'll want to see that you understand some real-world niche. For all you know, your knowledge about that area may be just the insight they need to help them with a problem they're having.

    Remember that they will train you. They just want to see your raw talent expressed. Show them something you're good at.

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