
Topic: Strategy

Brooms And Mops

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I work for a small company that imports products from different places and sells them through supermarkets and distributors. At this moment my company have brought two lines design to floor care: brooms and floor dusters. Each line has different products for each type of floor. I believe the products are really good based on the functionality, design and colors. The problem is that they are a bit pricey (due to the costs) and the market in general is price sensitive.
I am planning to generate a campaign (POP, promoters) our educates people about the different types of brooms and floors dusters that our line offer to preserve and clean each type of floor. Do you have any suggestions? What else can I do?
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Can you claim that your products are more efficient than the competitors? Don't harm the floor? More environmentally friendly? An major improvement from whatever-you-already-have at home?

    Fewquid is right - you don't want to start your campaign on a negative, "Um, yes, we have products, and they cost a bit more, but trust me, they're better". You need to find your unique selling proposition before you waste time and money on advertising.
  • Posted on Member
    Fewquid brings up some really good points regarding perceived value, particularly how it exists in the mind of your target audience. Additionally, you say that you believe your products are good in terms of functionality, etc., but the real question is - how does your target market view them?

    I would advise you to conduct some primary market research among your target audience so that you can get a better idea of what they want, how you measure up, and the value in their minds.

    All of this will help you get to the unique selling proposition, which, as Jay indicates above, is extremely vital. This research can also help you to develop a strategy that will maximize this proposition and leverage it vis-a-vis your competitors.

    Good luck!

  • Posted on Author
    Dear fewquid, you are absolutely right. I think I let myself to worry too much about the costs and prices, that I completely forgot the other variables. I will focus in a good attribute and positioning as you suggest, thank you. Jay Hamilton-Roth, it´s true if I don´t believe in my own products, who may?
    Your advices were truly valuable.
  • Posted on Author
    jlevin, thank you so much.

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