
Topic: Strategy

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Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points

My client is an international dairy company. It wants to develop soy milk in condensed format. Currently soy milk in liquid format has been available in the market under branded product and unbranded soy milk. The concept of condensed soy milk seems not to be welcomed by consumer through the recent qualitative research because condensed format is quite traditional and inconvenient in serving. Meanwhile, my client cooperating branding equity owns: modern, vitality and dynamic. I am struggling in recommending whether my client should develop this condensed soy milk format or not, please share your thoughts on this issue. Thanks very much for your sharing
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  • Posted by Markitek on Member
    I think you answered your own question . . .

    "The concept of condensed soy milk seems not to be welcomed by consumer through the recent qualitative research because condensed format is quite traditional and inconvenient in serving."

    Sometimes the best service a consultant can give a client is to tell them to pay attention to the marketplace.
  • Posted on Member
    If there are new and different applications for condensed product as compared to what is already on the market, consumers may not be able to visualize such uses. A product can be brought to market as something totally new and different with unique application and only later be discovered as also useful in traditional applications.

    That can work as long as the new applications are really new and useful.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Which consumers were tested? People who already use soy milk, people who use condensed milk, or the general consumer?

    What is the benefit to the consumer of condensed soy milk: shipping stability? shelf life? weight? ease of transport? price? You may have to retest your consumers, showing them what you think are important points, and see if they agree to the benefits.

    If your consumers aren't buying, you shouldn't be selling.
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks for your helps.

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