
Topic: Strategy

Joint Marketing Effort With Neighboring Business?

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
We are a very upscale lighting showroom in a plaza that primarily consists of ourselves, a Saladworks, a Spa, and a Diamond Exchange. The spa and diamond place are both very upscale. My question is how, and should i, work on some sort of cooperative effort with them to build interest in their existing customers which are already in the shopping center but may not come into our store. Is it worth it considering we're in different industries? Should I give them some gift cards or brochures? Suggestions welcomed ....pick my brain
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Certainly, both of these other businesses would benefit from great lighting. It would make sense to introduce yourself to the owners, and give suggestions for improving their lighting. That process itself may generate some great referrals.

    The spa might benefit from some very unique/beautiful light fixtures, which you can loan them in exchange for placement of marketing literature on (or near) the fixtures.

    Lastly, the spa's clientele might benefit from a free seminar of improving their home's look (and their own) by using great lighting. A cross-marketing effort there makes sense.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    The key questions are:

    What would be in it for the other businesses?
    How would handing out information about your business be of use to their clients?

    Perhaps you can help people who use the other businesses' services help to reproduce the feeling of these stores in their own home. For the spa: softer, more flattering lighting. For diamonds: clear, pure, white light that makes things twinkle.
  • Posted by Tracey on Accepted
    Perhaps a discount card for the customer, or an offer for a free acceossory or light bulb, with a brochure? You could give the store-owner a referral fee when you make a sale off their customer - to give them a reason to give sales material to their own customers.

    I would suggest picking a message theme that goes with the store's business. E.g., for the spa - "Feeling relaxed and refreshed? Make sure your home lighting shows it off."
    diamonds - "Make your diamonds sparkle with natural lighting"
    (those needs to be wordsmithed - but you get the idea). If possible, tie the gift card into the messaging - like a discount on a particular line of natural lighting or bright lighting or whatever your theme is.
  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Member
    I would not stray away from the lighting offer. As you know, a change in lighting can effect the overall look of a store very dramatically. And for far less money than a complete remodel.

    You know lighting... make it work for them...
  • Posted by michael on Member
    You can completely skip working with them if you think people who buy diamonds and salads and get spa treatments don't but lighting.

    Yes, definitely. Do a joing promo, but remember that you also have to bring something to the table. Will you open your customer list to them?

    Honestly, I have a lighting place by my house and would never see a reason to go it. I wonder if your marketing should include and educational aspect about NOT going to the DIY store for lighting.

  • Posted by BlueSage on Accepted
    How about you all get together and do a coupon book?
    Or plastic card, whatever.

    Or a promotion. Go to the spa store and pick which
    product you would like in your ____ room, then on to the other stores, picking what you would like from each store.

    OR make it fun. Spa store, pick 3 products, one for the den, the bedroom and the bath.
    Go to lighting store, pick three products for the same rooms, ditto the diamond store. Have them write down in the spaces provided the names and prices.

    At the end of the promo, have a random drawing of x amt of names, 3 or whatever, not just one, and give them some great percentage off each product OR
    one of the products on their list.
    Each store sets their own %.

    Or an evening at ___. [name of strip mall]
    Saladshooters could join in and there could be salads.
    Or you three could just do it and have an evening in Paris, lighting, some spa thing and diamond showing.
    The lighting would be featured in every single mini event on this, lights for seeing diamonds, lights for facials or massage and lights for eating by.

  • Posted on Member

    Talk to the other owners about setting up a referral program. It is the simplest and costs nothing. Givers gain. I give you business you will want to give me business in return.

    Discounting, coupon books, post cards don't sound or look upscale to me.

    Good Luck

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