
Topic: Strategy

How Can I Market A Portable Nuclear Bomb?

Posted by Anonymous on 100 Points
Any advice on target markets and 5 year plans are most welcomed.
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  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Member
    The scary thing is there is some crazed, disgruntled student outhere avidly tuning in to this question.

    Nicolas, has your country been bombed or attacked by terrorists lately? Better yet, has anyone from your family or circle of close friends fell victim to such acts?

    Plus, how many soldiers for your country are getting killed everyday to help prevent someone from doing what you think is sooo funny?

    I appreciate sarcasm and I love to joke around, but there are limits.

    Please have some class.
  • Posted on Member
    I would suggest a collaborative marketing strategy with, offering a change to win a coordinated combat outfit when they register for your mailing list at any of their retail stores.

    Second I would consider a bonus gift of a spam email server for the first 500 customers, to capture that early adopter market.

    An untapped target market would be bored housewives, who want to shake up the nieghborhood, literally. "Not pleased with your neighbor's overgrown hedges? Redecorate with the push of a button, and get to soccer practice on time. Introducing the portable nuclear bomb. Remote control included."

    Anothe possible marketing op would be with the swiffer mop company. Quickly cleanup from any nuclear bomb disaster. I'm sure you could get prada involved too with a nuclear radiation suit with matching handbag.

    I've heard venture capitalists are open again to new ideas. I'd fly out to sand hill road immediately and start knocking on doors. Or maybe you could carpet bomb them with advertisements, ala AOL. Hey! There's your first customer - AOL. Forgot the world war 2 tactic of carpet bombing free AOL CD's in every mailbox. Step into the future with the portable nuclear bomb. It's sure to get your message noticed! Wil it ship in time for the Iraq handover on June 30th?

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