
Topic: Research/Metrics

Future & Challenges Of The Newspaper Market

Posted by Anonymous on 600 Points
Hi all,

I am looking for information on the future of the newspaper
We (a web services company specialising in investment & financial data & sites) have a meeting with a large respected financial newspaper company next Thursday 6th Sept.
To help prepare for this meeting I would like to understand their market, trends in this newspaper market & what challenges they face.

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.

No doubt one challenge they face is the move of revenue from paper to online sources - so any trustworthy stats on this would be useful.

Looking forward to your thoughts & information

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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Here's a recent article on this very topic:

    "Newspapers find gold in "we" media"
  • Posted on Accepted
  • Posted by Mushfique Manzoor on Accepted
    hi there

    great resources posted by my colleagues

    lemme share with you my experience which IMHO is the future and challenges of newspaper.

    almost all the major dailies and other newspapers of bangladesh have online version which is updated at least twice a day, in the evening as well as after the midnight(when the printed version is being prepared for distribution).

    these online versions of 'paper' newspapers are under threat from a online newspaper called bdnews24 (web it doesnt have any printed version, rather updated in realtime.

    this online newspaper is the fastest growing newspaper of Bangladesh and the visits to the site sky-rocketed during the recent political crises Bangladesh went through in Oct'06 to Jan'07 period.

    on the first hit of the site, you will get a summary of each of all the news on the site. if you need to get detailed news you need to register with the newspaper. then you will just sign-in and read all the news in the site.

    most of the office-executives (as well as ppl on the go with internet facility) browse this site as they get real-time update of the national and international news. and this is i think is the biggest challenge faced by regular 'paper' newspapers.

    the future of newspapers lies in realtime online update as well as update via the mobile/handheld devices via sms or IVRs

    hope this helps.


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