
Topic: Other

Profile Of Successful Entrepeneurs And Executives

Posted by Anonymous on 750 Points
I am currently doing a research project where I need to profile persons who have been extremely successful in business...I need a list of persons, their business philosophy, their strategies, and their personal characteristics that seperated them from the masses to achieve success...this is an extremely important question because it will serve as one of the foundations upon which my research will be built...I am giving a lot of points for thoughtful, thorough, and accurate answers...
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  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Accepted
    Kevin, in Good to Great, one of the books I mentioned (for your other question about companies), there's some fascinating detail about the leaders as individuals and as a group.

    I'm curious about your project -- are you going to synthesize the existing research that's out there (such as Collins' work), or are you attempting to do new research entirely?
  • Posted by telemoxie on Accepted
    Joe Gibbs is one of the all time winningest coaches in the NFL, and he has been successful in the Racing circuit as well.
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Accepted
    Here's a link to Jack Welch info:

    I'll come back to this question
  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Accepted

    A man from your state, and one of the most well-liked CEOs of all time, Herb Kelleher, founder of Southwest Airlines.

    Here is a great article, wrote by "Herb" (not Mr. Kelleher to him) called "A Culture of Committment".

    Pretty much sums it up.

    Also a great link with info I think you will find useful:

    And more:

    Good luck!
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Accepted
    Also ...

    Profiles of leading corporate CEOs, click CEO list on the site:

    Michael Dell:


    Business Leader Votes
    Jack Welch, 104
    former chairman and CEO, General Electric
    Bill Gates, 84
    chairman and chief software architect, Microsoft
    Michael Dell, 54
    chairman and CEO, Dell Computer
    Meg Whitman, 32
    president and CEO, eBay
    Herb Kelleher, 32
    former chairman and CEO, Southwest Airlines
    Sandy Weill, 21
    chairman and CEO, Citigroup
    Howard Schultz, 18
    chairman and chief strategy officer, Starbucks
    Michael Eisner, 10
    chairman and CEO, Walt Disney Co.
    Ted Turner, 10
    vice chairman, AOL Time Warner
    Steve Case, 9
    chairman, AOL Time Warner
    Jeff Bezos, 9
    chairman and CEO,
    Henry Kravis, 7
    managing partner, Kohlberg Kravis & Roberts
    Steve Ballmer, 4
    CEO, Microsoft
    Phil Purcell, 3
    chairman and CEO, Morgan Stanley
    Don Carty, 0
    chairman and CEO, AMR (American Airlines)
    Jeffrey Immelt, 0
    chairman and CEO, General Electric,17863,514111,00.html

    hope this helps you Kevin
  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Accepted

    here's a good book I read about five years ago and I'm still moved by the level of knowledge contained inside this book. It's solid and excellently written. It gives you a list of the top successful men and women in the speaking industry.

    It includes their business philosophies, their strategies, personal characteristics and what separates them from the masses of other people in their field. That covers all of your needs you requested you needed filled.

    It's called the "Success Secrets of the Motivational Superstars: America's Greatest Speakers Reveal Their Secrets".

    This book has the highest customer rating given at which is 5 stars but it's so good that their out of stock.

    I've read it front to back at least three times and I'm amazed at the quality of details that it gives about their techniques. Again this answers your question in every category. I know you'll succeed at finding the information you need but remember you get out of it what you put into it. Is there anything I can do for you?
  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Accepted
    Kevin, one of my personal favorite CEOs is Marc Benioff of Young, arrogant, brilliant, visionary, loudmouth. His company is remarkably successful. But you might want to be studying those with a longer track record!

    - Shelley

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