
Topic: Strategy

Strategic Planning Session

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I have a client who is preparing to launch a new project and we are planning to have a strategic planning session to set the vision for what the project is to become (it is a real estate project). I need a resource who can moderate and take a group of about 25 strong willed individuals and focus them via excersises to a concensus on the future vision of this project.

Any leads on a good resource to accomplish this?
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  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Member

    I cannot think of a better recommendation than Jim Deveau. His knowledge and skills are hard to beat.

    I strongly suggest contacting him to discuss the details of your project. Feel free to contact me for a formal recommendation on Jim's behalf if necessary for your records (just click on my name).

    Good Luck and let us know how it turns out!

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