
Topic: Strategy

Revenue Model For A Product Based Company

Posted by Anonymous on 500 Points
Dear Professionals,

For a product driven company in emerging markets where the technology acceptance is in nascent stage, how does Business Development and Sales team need to generate revenue particularly when products seldom works?

We work with channel partners and other co-passenger company is our business model.

Please advice.

With kind regards,
Fiat Uno
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  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Member
    In the early stages of technology products, you need to be in the solutions business. Where can you plug in your product to produce a solution that can not be developed using "older technology" products.

    When working with distributor and other channel partners, it is important to share the details of the solutions produced. Further, it is important to look for channel partners who are solution based. Often you will need to insist on a Product Specialist to drive your solution.

    My practice revolves around solution based distribution channels - how to identify, how to fine tune and how to regulate. Contact me via my profile if you would like to speak further about your problem off line.

    Frank Hurtte
  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Member

    Like any other sale, you need to understand the customer's point of pain before you can offer your product as a solution to fix that pain.

    What problem does this product solve?

    What pain does that cause the prospective customer?

    Now, how can you make them feel that pain, how can you effectively focus their mind on it until their realisation of the pain is practically unbearable?

    That's the point at which they will be ready to listen to anything. They just need to cure the pain. If your presentation is plausible, if they can believe for one moment your product will cure their pain, that's when they are ready to buy.

    Good luck.


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