
Topic: Research/Metrics

Heavy Duty Utility Shelving-who Would Use?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Hello everyone,

This is an extremely "niched" question, but I am going to start with you - the smartest marketers on the web.

Our OEM company manufactures small quantities, on demand heavy duty utility shelving for the radiology market. We are looking at alternative, lateral markets for our shelving and carts. There are several things we need to take into consideration: cost, strength and labor costs. Any lateral market we DO approach cannot be one that would go to a Home Depot or Lowe's for this kind of product.

Any ideas? I appreciate your help, in advance!

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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    What does your shelving do that the Home Depot/Lowe's doesn't? Sizing? Weight limits? Customization?
  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Member
    Here are a few ideas that come to mind..
    Industrial distribution... These companies definitely do not go to home depot for shelving...

    Large Manufacturing Companies... their needs are wide and deep.

    Have you thought about working through Material Handling Distributors?
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    A quick search online shows a lot of competition for industrial shelving (for example and even 2-ton shelving (

    Therefore, who needs shelves that can hold that much weight? Industrial warehouses. Auto parts, Metal Shops, Military, etc. To find specific applications, look at lists of companies that hire structural engineers to reinforce their warehouse floors - that's your target market.

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