
Topic: Strategy

What's Worth More - Your Time Or Money?

Posted by Anonymous on 255 Points
[inactive link removed] is coming along nicely a month after launch... but we're not sure whether to pitch the benefits at 'time saved' ie convenience, or 'value' ie It's worth it to have fast, accurate typing done for me.

Or something else!?

Our traffic is ok, the conversion needs to improve.

Where do you think the strongest proposition lies?

When you answer, please say a) which country you are
in and b) if you could see yorself/ your company paying for this service

This is market research + advice in its purest form!


Will Rowan

[Moderator: Inactive link removed from post. 2/14/2011]
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  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Accepted

    United States.

    Definitely the time, but then I can type 70+ pretty accurately, except here sometimes, so that isn't a problem.

    However, if I had a need i.e. lots of windshield time every day (can't type driving), or couldn't type or had to have transcripts prepared each and every morning and didn't have time (there we go again) at night, it would be a no-brainer.

    So what about metro areas where people spend 2+ hours a day commuting (SoCal)?

    I hope that helps.
  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Member

    Deremiah, *CPE


    Well Will for me time is money. But my accounting background makes me accountable (no pun intended) to my future so I watch the currency clearly. I'm the tightest of the tight wads but will spend the money if the service is right. I think services like yours will work for the following:

    People in sales

    who need to keep up correspondence but due to air travel

    Don't have time to respond to clients.

    Don't have access to a lap top or computer.

    Don't have a secretary or access to one who does transcription.

    VP's and Executives who

    Travel frequently.

    Lack the skill set to type their own material.

    Are more comfortable speaking than typing.

    People who do a great deal of communicating and need follow-up with their customers, clients or business partners.

    Will I'm going to go back and look at your website closer after this but I needed to get these ideas out of my head while they were fresh. If I could have waited till tomorrow I could have used Morning Papers :-) I hope this helps. I found your services appealing but defining who your customer is could change how you position your presentation. Thanks for your time. Is there anything else I can do for you?

    Your Servant, Deremiah, *CPE

  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Accepted
    If you are promoting to consumers or people in business for themselves, you may find time to be the main issue. I know if I had to personally choose between time and money, I would go for time.

    If you promote to companies, you likely need to make money the main factor. Whenever I have had to get something past management at a company, they wanted to know the dollar benefits.
  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Member

    Peter makes a very valid observation.

    Deremiah, *CPE
  • Posted on Author

    good stuff from the USA & Antipodes... I'll go through them in detail this morning (UK time)

    And the answers are veering from the question - which was:

    "What's the proposition - time or money?"


  • Posted by Carl Crawford on Member
    hello will,

    New Zealand

    i am a student, but i am also very lazy. i leave things like projects to the last minute. i recently had a report due that was worth 20%, and i left it to the last minute. i ended up staying up all night to get the project done. i ended up getting 80% but i lost marks of typing errors.

    your service would have been invaluable to me but i have no money, it all go to pay the dam stupied universty fees and food.

    i think you should post flyer around universitys.

    hope this helps
  • Posted on Author
    Jim, why wouldn't I want to hear that?
    Thanks for reading the question & giving a very useful insight.

  • Posted on Author
    interesting - thanks -

    we reckon voip will dramatically reduce the phone cost issue faster than we can afford to setup international freephone numbers...

    we're working on a usb upload from dictaphone service, so that you'd only pay local web connection charges.

    If it's not value for money for you, then E&Y aren't paying you enough... or you type real fast ;-)

    thanks again

  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Member
    A) USA

    B) I have to go with time as well.

    I would be cautious about taking any advice to lower costs until you do some research. Not that you were going to anyway..LOL.

    If you are trying to find a consesus in order to decide what to use in your marketing efforts, you should survey your target audience. For example, physicains care about time, but they care about money just as much...even more. Students may appreciate the time saved, but may not be able to afford it. And so on...

    Basically, I suggest you get in touch with your customers and see what THEY want. If the majority of your clients are students with small pocketbooks, perhaps a price break is in order (student discount?), etc.

    I hope this helps!

    Good Luck!
  • Posted by telemoxie on Member
    When I think of people who are currently using stenographers or transcription services, I'm not thinking of a young executive with a mobile phone, PDA and laptop at the airport. I picture a 50 year old executive who has dictated memos for years, and that's just the way they do it.

    Several years ago, I visited the CEO of a small technical company who DID NOT HAVE A COMPUTER IN HIS OFFICE. (Guess what, he wasn't in his twenties). He would be a candidate for your services, (especially after his staff has gone for the day) - and he is neither motivated by money nor time.

    For these folk, the good news is that they can continue to dictate memos, just as they always have. The bad news is that there are fewer and fewer of these every day.

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