
Topic: Other

Professional Evaluation

Posted by Anonymous on 1000 Points
I think Jett opened up a good idea. One of the principles of war is "know thyself," and the best advice about oneself is always 3rd party objective advice of what others see (at least trained professionals), I'd like to know what the KHE thinks about my answers and ideas...I'd like to know both good and bad, you won't hurt my feelings....let me know what you think are the strengths and weaknesses of the responses that I post...

I am looking forward to honest and thoughtful input and suggestions for improvement!
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  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Accepted
    To see Kwinter's answers, click on the username ("kwinter") in the original post. This will send you to their profile, from which you cans ee recent questions posted and answers given.
  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Accepted
    Kevin, I'm not sure that I would describe anybody's responses here as good or bad; they're all just different and reflect our different perspectives, knowledge and experiences (and sometimes our mood at that moment)!

    I won't go through all 300 of the postings you've added here since April to do an exhaustive assessment. Nonetheless... here's what I notice about you during my own frequent visits to KHE:

    You fully participate! You've demonstrated your commitment to the forum community by contributing responses regularly. (How DO you find the time?)

    You notice the intention of questions. Even when members fumble the words when they're asking a question, you seem to know what they need.

    You are open to learning, not only from the questions you have posted yourself, but from what others are asking here. Attaining the KHE Expert status hasn't made you any less humble or teachable.

    You have a wide streak of generosity. When others have posted useful responses, you might not have much to add, but you post a "booster" response to endorse the good answers you've seen.

    Hope you keep finding the time to stick around! =]

  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Member
    The point system provides the best feedback we'll probably ever get, Kevin. I suspect that 95% or more of the members are here only long enough to get their question answered, so your request for more info simply won't reach the "right" people.

    Here's one way to assess yourself, if you're interested in comparing your performance with other experts: Look at the ratio of answers accepted against those they offered. (Hey, that could be a KHE batting average!) Are you a good hitter? Who's better, regardless of points accumulated? Why do you think THEY do so well?

    I'd take that approach -- it's more constructive and reasonable than encouraging people to tell you your weaknesses. I'm willing to bet you already have a mental inventory of your own weaknesses, anyway, because most humans do!
  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Member
    WEIRD. . . ! I hadn't finished editing my last post, Kevin, and your response was already there. Is this the forum, or am I in

    t h e   t w i l i g h t   z o n e
  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Accepted
    Hey Kwinters,

    I think my KHE top five said it all.

    1. kwinters (because he's not afraid to challege to try something different even when he comes in to place his answer after everyone else.

    Kevin I have not been on board long enough to give an in depth psychological review but I think your answers are sound, clear and full of your insight and experience. That comes out whenever you step into the KHE forum Q & A sessions.

    No joke I've really enjoyed your participation and I'm not just saying that to stroke your ego. I may not know all the rules of marketing, I may not know all the in's and outs of business but there is one thing that I know, that I know, that I know and that's people. Give me a little time to hang around the forum and who knows I might change my mind. But take the money and run...accept earned a high rating so stop looking for the negative review.

    If you want an area where I think you can grow and it's just revealed itself right here during this question and that's in the area of accepting rewarding accolades from your peers who think you're great and always showing up with good practical answers, amazing, off the cuff, right on point and straight in the strike zone commentary. I like your stuff Kwinters.

    If you want to turn the heat up a little bit on this thang allow us to ask you some in depth questions that reveal more of the more refined aspects of your intellect. Kevin you've got a lot of knowledge going on in that northeren hemisphere above your eyebrows.

    Is there anything else I can do for you?

    Your Servant, Deremiah, *CPE
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Accepted
    Kevin –

    Words that come to mind are eager, learner, participant, committed, generous, and polite.

    I generally find your responses to the questions to be interesting (including your single sentence inputs to keep things moving on)

    Like all of us sometimes your responses are more on-point than at other times

    Seems your responses are generally becoming more “marketing expert”

    I know you’re asking for the bad too, but I just don’t have anything really critical.

    See you in the next post

    - Steve
  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Accepted
    A quick note about the ratio of answers versus accepted:

    Unless you only offer ONE reply to each post and NEVER reply to anyone in your own postings, the ratio is innaccurate.

    Mine says something like 1200+ answers, but I would say it is safe to estimate approx 30%-35% are multiple replies and "author responses" to the 30 or so questions I have posted. We talked about this long ago in some previous threads. Simple math and logic helps figure it out.

    I believe third party feedback is invaluable because contrary to Shelley's statement, we don't always recognize our own faults and need the observation of others to point things out in which we may be in denial or completely overlooking.

    I'll post more about YOU later tonight, but I had to confirm this point before people start banking on the ratios.

    Talk to you soon..
  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Member

    Way to hang in there and again great observations. Here are some last introspective questions I would like to ask you as you say "Ask away".

    Kwinters what kind of routine do you practice to keep your marketing skills so sharp? (for instance do you prefer reading or do you develop most of what you know through hands on experience).

    When others are firing off their answers and you come into the KHE forum are you really concerned about their input or do you try to isolate your answer based on your own experience? (I hope this is clear).

    Is marketing very spiritual to you?

    Do you clearly see it as a natural progression of thought or like art do you feel free to try something different?

    Look forward to your replys. Thanks for making KHE the place to be. Is there anything I can do for you?

    Your Servant, Deremiah, *CPE
  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Member

    well said. I just love your response and your honesty.

    Let me try to help you to understand what I mean by "is marketing very spiritual" to you. You see I have been a fine artist painting and drawing for decades. The study of Art is a discipline. You learn many principles and scientific methods about color, tone, value, light, design, how to draw or how to paint. After you have been trained in all the methods what you find is that the best pictures you create happen when you're not thinking about the science of art. Therefore I consider this very spiritual because you are not operating in the "mental state" of problem solving. You're operating from what some people call "gut feel" or "spontaneous reaction" that sort of supercedes the natural progression of thought. I hope this helps.

    Your Servant, Deremiah, *CPE

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