
Topic: Other

Best Agencies For Direct Mail Personalization?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I want to identify agencies who can create targeted direct marketing using customer data and trigger events to customize high quality printed direct mail (not email) to less than 3000 customers to increase relevancy and response rates.

I need to build a list of agencies in the US who can do this. It's called many things -- personalized dmail; targeted dmail; variable printing; versioning.

Next task is then to determine a short-list of the agencies who are best at this as well as the early adopters for this approach to direct marketing.

How would you go about doing this?
What are credible resources?
Who are thought leaders on this?

Derrith Lambka at HP
[Email address deleted by staff.]
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  • Posted by Inbox_Interactive on Member
    I don't understand the question 100%, and I admit that it's probably my own lack of knowledge, but I'll request clarification, if I may...

    Why are you asking about the agencies? Aren't you more interested in the printers who actually have the variable-data printing equipment?

    Are you asking because you want to buy from them...or sell to them?

    I would think that HP would be among the thought leaders of this industry.

    Again, I am sorry...I just find your questions interesting even though I admit that I don't fully understand.

  • Posted on Accepted
    Agencies that do mailings to less than 3000 people will be very small independent companies. Here is a directory of many smaller agencies, and even these may be too big to mess with doing a project of 3000 or less.
  • Posted by steven.alker on Accepted
    I’d be inclined to go for the Direct Marketing Association of America.

    There is a vendor search page there which will allow you to seek out the specialists which fit your profile. I wouldn’t take any notice about the fact that it is a small mailing you are talking about. To get a successful introduction to HP, the largest mailing house in the world would do a small batch run for you!

    I’ve only ever used them for technical stuff, but I’ve found both the DMA and the DMA(UK) to offer the highest quality of customer service. If you can’t locate what you are looking for, phone them, tell them who you are and use a stop watch to see how long it takes to get the answers!

    Steve Alker

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