
Topic: Strategy

Presenting The Communication Strategy

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I need to present my communication 3 year strategy. Please give me some tips to include in my presentation and most importantly, an opening line for the presentation. Something that will grasp the audience.
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  • Posted by koen.h.pauwels on Member
    Dear ho,

    I would love to help but need some more information: what kind of organization are you working for (profit vs not-for-profit, B-t-C versus B-t-C)?, what is your position and to which audience are you presenting?


  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Read Squirrel, Inc. (Stephen Denning) for tips on using a story to grab the audience, get your point across, and actually get your idea implemented.
  • Posted by kathie on Accepted
    Are you all set, or would you like more info?

    Hard to tell who (what disciplines) the other presenters are, what they're going to say and how good they are with their presentations and strategies.

    I agree with dccameron on all that was stated--show your passion for the effort and your understanding of their wishes. That will make a huge impression.

    You can do this with a little "color." For example, you could find a related current news topic. Is there anything new with corporations that is making the news? Have any jokes come out of that news? "Google" some related information and see what you find. The Week magazine and many other magazines, newspapers and blogs have something humorous to contribute. Just put up one of their cartoons or repeat their quotes about the topic. It gets people in an attentive, positive mood for your presentation.

    Best wishes for a successful presentation.
  • Posted by JESmith on Member
    Check out the Nonprofit Marketing tab at -- there are several articles on communications planning for a nonprofit, including:

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