
Topic: Research/Metrics

How To Find And Approach Bloggers

Posted by babbsela on 125 Points
I am looking for bloggers who would like to review the products of a premier chocolatier, and hopefully give a nice mention of the website on their blog. I've tried a search in the various popular blog providers (blogger, typepad, wordpress) using "chocolate" as a keyword, and I'm afraid I'm going about it all wrong.

What is the best way to find popular bloggers who would be interested in sampling and reviewing these these chocolates? And, once I've identified the right ones, how do I approach them?
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  • Posted by Susan Oakes on Accepted
    There is a website which has a list of blogs. Just type in chocolate in the search and list of blog sites will be displayed.

    Good luck with the reviews
    Marketing for Business Success
  • Posted on Accepted
    Some of the better blogs have posted rules about what they will accept for a review, what you will get back in return, and how to start the process, see example:

    Most every other blog has a contact page/email; just write them a short, cheerful message expressing your interest in sending them free samples of chocolate, I suspect it will not be a hard sale. I would also ask in the message, if they could suggest to you another good blog that would be interested in reviewing the chocolates.

    Once you have mailed the chocolates, send them a message that the delicious shipment is on the way. This will help with building up their anticipation, plus you have essentially branded your product as ‘delicious’, so it will be that much harder for them to write otherwise.

    Good ways to find blogs is also with google, try:

    Also, try combinations of key words: blog, review, chocolates, candy, “competitors’ names”, words that describe your product (sweet, cocoa, dark, milk chocolate, etc.)
    Tip: when searching with google click on “Advanced Search” and type in LG in ‘without the words’ box (this will omit results that are related to a cell phone from LG that is called chocolate).

    Luke Zukowski

    PS - I will also gladly “review” any chocolate you send my way!
  • Posted by Harry Hallman on Accepted
    Try and search for chocolate.

    Don't forget any recipe or food blogs in general.

    You can also pay bloggers to mention your product. Try

    Finally, you might want to downaload this white paper . It offers other ways to make footprints.
  • Posted on Accepted
    I'm a blogger. If you want Tim Ferriss level success, you need to follow Tim Ferriss' lead. He took an unknown book to the bestseller list by getting folks to blog about it. How'd he do that?

    Relationships. Read blogs, establish some credibility. Food bloggers with huge readerships don't usually blog products. However, the food bloggers are highly relational. Earn your way into their network as you would in any other new market. Bloggers are people.

    Great bloggers blog what's relevant to their readers' interests. Make yourself and your thought relevant in their comment boxes. They'll follow you back to your website and check you out.

    Get to know a blogger well and ask that blogger to introduce you.

    Takes longer. Lasts longer too.
    Hope this helps.
  • Posted by babbsela on Author
    Good input, everyone. Yes, I'm looking for people who write about shopping, food, entertaining; anything that can link to chocolate in some way.

    I like the idea of giving them something different to write than just "this is good chocolate." We have some unusual items, like chocolate pizzas that are fun and different, that are flying off the shelves. Perhaps that would be a good item to introduce them to.

    Is there a resource somewhere that ranks blogs by popularity in different categories, or is searching and slogging through the list the only way?
  • Posted on Member
    Why not try old fashion direct mail. Find the bloggers as was recommended above, then send them your candy in a bulky package with a sales letter inside that has lots of benefits for them.
  • Posted by babbsela on Author
    Thank you very much for all the help!
  • Posted on Member
    as step one lets understand where you want to sell and to whom.

    then go to google and find out bloggers and web sites that share info of this category

    also send out PR via wirefree network-they are sites that rally press releases to multiple newspapers

    make a simple blog : [free from] and use it the way you would to disseminate info from website

    after all go back to the blogs you found. write comments etc and get people to start to visit your blog

    there is plenty of marketing you can do independently from the net

    put your blog on google search pages

    once you start to earn a little strat getting bloggers from etc type of sites to write for you...

    in case you would like to know more you can check out below two blogs: [Search from the vast ‘ARCHIVE’ section at the 2 blogs to know what you want to read. Read what benefits you. Have a good life.]
  • Posted on Member
    Go to and use words like chocolate, confectionary and you'll find many bloggers. Then, follow the advise you've been given, about reading their blogs, commenting on them, and then you'll be able to make your offer.

    Sure hope this helps. Good luck!

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