
Topic: Research/Metrics

Return On Investment For Marketing

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I am searching for best case practice for measuring Return on Investment (ROI) on different marketing activities.

I would like some case studies on large multinational corporations.

Are there any good web sites where I can read about this subject.
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  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Accepted
    I would start by searching this site, using the term ROI and "Return on Investment". There are a bunch of articles on this.

    There is also an online seminar called "Brand Metrics: Three Pathways to Measure ROI", but it is something they charge for.
  • Posted by koen.h.pauwels on Accepted

    It so happens I am just finishing up on my course on Return on Marketing investment, which includes several best practices and case studies on multinational companies. Send me an email to get the syllabus, or check out my website ( and its link to the relevant blog (up and running in 3 weeks)

    Besides MarketingProfs, MarketingNPV has some excellent articles on ROMI :

    Hope this helps! By the way, where did you find the article on ROI for Google Adworks?

  • Posted by Dawson on Accepted
    Let me also point you to a couple of other publications:

    1) Marketing in the era of accountability by the IPA (UK) - see

    2) The Samsung Case study in the Harvard Business Review from around 2000.

    3) - you will need a log in but there are loads of case studies

    My company has also published a free guide to using out tools to improve marketing accountability - you may find that this has some useful content which could help you out.

  • Posted by Dawson on Accepted
    sorry - forgot to post link - see


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