
Topic: Strategy

Best Ways To Reach A Target Audience?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
We own a small resort on Lake Superior in the U.P. of Michigan. The area is beautiful, no stop lights, fast food or cell signals. We are a relatively unknow area. How do we best reach our audience (35-75 year old) to let them know about us and all the are has to offer? We are on the web. However, even our home state of Michigan tends to forget we are here. Suggestions?
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  • Posted by michael on Accepted
    Almost got to the UP (when I flew into Traverse City) last year. But I do have a trip planned to Marquette this summer (for business)

    Just a few quick things

    1) Send your info to AAA (HQ in Heathrow, FL..not Dearborn, MI)

    2) I think the Traverse City airport has a visitors info booth. That might be a good place also.

    3) Several of the visitors centers (like New Buffalo) would likely take some of your informatiion.

    4) I have a pretty good base of people in the travel industry if you want to send me a link. Keep in mind that they're primarily looking for commission.

  • Posted by saul.dobney on Accepted
    I wondered if you could get to be the venue for a tourism association conference, convention or meeting? Or host something newsworthy to get journalists and influencers to visit you. For instance a specialist festival or sports event - something in keeping with the image you want to project, but that would interest journalists around the state or specialists more widely. Most places can generate some form of "fluffy duck" story that can get to the end of news bulletins.

  • Posted on Accepted
    Ask your self this question... who on the web and within 30- minutes to 1 hour of my place can I partner with? i.e. Who has my ideal clients where they can market my biz in return for me marketing their biz.

    You are doing passive marketing. Need to step up and do active marketing.

    Go visit every business in your area and bring them a little candy. Get to know them -- before you tell them about you.

    And if the state forgets you, then do something to turn that around.
  • Posted on Accepted

    AAA is a great idea!!

    There is also Entertainment publications that you can advertise using a coupon.

    Good Luck

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