
Topic: Research/Metrics

Roi Thresholds

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
What are the ROI thresholds for traditional display ads, online ads, SEO, websites, special offers, contests, coupons, tradeshows, sponsorships, e-blasts, ets?
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  • Posted by Dawson on Accepted
    Hi - any chance you can be more specific in the request. What are you looking for - threshold levels of investment or ROI ranges? Which market / industry?

    I think in truth that any limits on the above will be determined by the individual business model and the type of campaign being run.

    For online, SEO and coupons, I can't see why there would be a lower volume limit in terms of marketing. There's almost no excuse for not knowing the (rough) ROI of these tactics as they are happening and they can all be turned up and down almost at will.

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