
Topic: Research/Metrics

National Mktg For Kindergarten Readiness Program

Posted by pamelah on 250 Points
We are launching a Pre-Kindergarten Educational Program for moms to help their 4-6 year olds get ready for kindergarten (which is now like first grade!). It's been successfully tested in a Los Angeles area city and is now being prepared to go national with a new web site. What marketing suggestions do you have for us as we attempt to find mothers throughout the country who may be interested in the product? The product includes phonics, learning crafts and games, science and math exercises, and other creative/fun learning tools. We are paying for this ourselves and have a small budget. Any ideas on how we find out where moms hang out on the web?
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  • Posted by Levon on Member
    Selectively target pre-kindergarten institutions (i.e. day cares) and build partnerships with them.
  • Posted on Accepted
    Hi Pamela,

    Since you conducted a beta in LA, what data do you have that can help direct the messaging for the full-scale launch? For example, did you collect information from test users on their web surfing habits? How were the Moms using the site? Do you have (or can you obtain) testimonials from satisfied users? This can be valuable in determining both your positioning and key messages as well as optimal advertising venues.

    I'm not sure from your post if your product is a subscription-based site with access to the tools or advertiser supported. This makes a difference in how the site's positioned.

    I like the idea of approaching pre-schools as well. You also could target early childhood ed programs at colleges to help build awareness.

    When my children were young, I frequented iVillage and There are numerous discussion boards on these sites, which may help you get a feel for where parents are going on the web and what issues they're talking about with regard to school readiness.

    Good luck!
  • Posted by pamelah on Author
    Great ideas. Thank you. The product has been tested because it has been used by the developer to teach her children and other children in their play group. There is such a demand for the program that she decided to explore how to package it and market it. Everything is in the development stages now. Thanks for the mom web sites. We'll be sure to get on the discussion boards. And while we have thought about preschools we hadn't thought about students in early childhood ed programs.
  • Posted on Accepted
    Some other sites you might want to look into:

    As far as preschools/early childhood education, try looking into the national chain providers of daycare centers since you will be able to get a lot of reach that way. I would also suggest looking into tutoring websites, since many parents who have older children getting tutored have younger siblings getting ready for kindergarten.

    Finally, you may also want to look into sites like this:

    There are probably others like it for other communities.

    Good luck!!

  • Posted by pamelah on Author
    You guys are awesome. Thanks so much.
  • Posted by pamelah on Author
    The program is actually a home-based business for a former USC graduate in education and Kindergarten teacher, and now current mother of four. She conducts classes of 8 PreK children in her home and there is a waiting list. So you're right, we have a good story to tell and plenty of parent testimonials. I was hoping to uncover any mommy sites out there that we should be tapping into to get the word out. Thanks for the great advice.

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