
Topic: Strategy

Need Cheap/guerrilla Ideas For Sponsorship Program

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I work for a company who has a NASCAR sponsorship and we are in need of some inexpensive/guerrilla ideas based on having a very small budget to leverage our sponsorship to get new customers to sign up for our service.

Looking for any ideas - thanks
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  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Member
    Without an idea of your service, it is hard to be specific...
    But, here are some ideas of GM ideas...
    1) Bi-Weekly updates of what's going on with your car with some advertising inserted - nearly free
    2) capture some of the used engine oil from your car and put it in bottles offer as a unique "souvenir" - cost nearly free
    3)Offer a NASCAR oriented Screen saver to your customers - nearly free

    Hope this gets you started... good luck.. more information would get better suggestions

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