
Topic: Other

Promoted To The Customer

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
My company (beverage company) wants to introduce a new soft drink in the market.
A task has been assigned to me to promote that soft drink. So what are the different ways through which the soft drink will be promoted to the customer?
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  • Posted by Inbox_Interactive on Accepted
    For what class are you asking this question?
  • Posted on Author
    for master level classes sir but I will go though all good answer and make my own, thanks
  • Posted by Jessica_Castro on Accepted
    I would suggest looking back and finding out how other beverage companies like Coke and Dr. Pepper/7-Up handled the release of their drinks....

    You could definitely get some great ideas considering the release of Coke Zero and the revamped 7-up flavor went... Good luck
  • Posted by Levon on Accepted
    This depends hugely on whether or not the company has a huge advertising budget. If your a power brand like Coke or Pepsi or Red Bull then yeah sure you could hire some expensive ad agency to develop you a kick a$$ brand and buy a mountain of media to help condition every kid's brain to liking your product.

    However, if you are launching a new beverage drink, like so do every single day and fail largely because they lack a considerable budget -- then you better get creative on how you are going to get the end consumer to even know that your drink exists. From experience it begins with securing distribution.

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