
Topic: Other

How Do You Cope With Endless Cold Calls?

Posted by Joe on 50 Points
I have found that one of the downsides of a Marketing Manager title, particularly when working for a company that does lots of trade shows, is a growing flood of cold calls from sales people. It seems like every ad agency, show vendor, magazine sales dept and marketing consultant in the country has my number, and they call me continually.

I estimate 7 of 10 calls I get at this point are from someone trying to sell me something. If I bought something from each of them, I would have the GNP of Italy. I find it irritating and distracting, especially when it breaks my train of thought. Some of these people are borderline stalkers. It's at the point where I let my calls go to voice mail if I don't recognize the caller id, but that doesn't stop them from calling back another 5 or 10 times.

I have been considering setting up a vendor 'appointment request form' on our website, and then directing callers to it from my voicemail, the idea being that I would refuse to speak to anyone who hadn't completed the form and been approved. I suppose it would feel good to do this, but I doubt it would work since some sales people have a unique ability to hear 'no' as 'yes, almost'.

So here's my question for other marketing professionals-- how do you cope? Do you take these calls? Route them to voice mail and delete? Assign an underling to handle them (I wish)? Is anyone else as irritated as I am about this?
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  • Posted by Inbox_Interactive on Accepted
    I guess there are many solutions depending on your situation.

    If people are calling you over and over because they are getting voice-mail, then maybe you should answer your phone and quickly say, "Sorry, not interested. It'd be great if you didn't call again. Thanks." (click)

    If you had the ability to get one of those phone systems that says, "You've reached Joe. Please state your name," and then you can screen your calls and pick up when you hear a name you want to talk to, that would work, but it might not be an option.

    I'd address the root of the problem, though, which is that your contact information is too accessible when maybe it does not need to be. As a marketing manager, is it important for people to know how to get a hold of you from outside? I am thinking not.

    If your name and direct dial are on the site, why not take them off?
  • Posted on Accepted

    I am a sales person and business owner. I make sales calls and I receive many sales calls. I generally return all the calls that go into voice mail. I let them go to voice mail when I am busy. If I am not interested I tell them and they don't call anymore.

    I subscribe to the three attempts and then I move on. If someone is calling more than three times tell them to stop.

    I think the link on your site is a great idea. The sales person can state their case and you can follow-up with the services that most interest you.

    Good Luck
  • Posted by Joe on Author
    Thanks for the comments and advice. Plan B will be to set up a 900-number for myself, that way I can at least make some money when solicitors call.

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