
Topic: Strategy

Increasing Store Walk-ins In Furniture Business

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Kindly suggest the new Ways of increasing the customer walk-ins in the Furniture Store the activities that can be carried on store Level.
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  • Posted by Levon on Member
    It is called a sale. Promote a sale with signs, advertising, and in-store specials that people have to walk into the store to see -- prefably all the way into the back to see.

  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Member
    it depends on where you are located and the natural traffic comming by the store.

    Here are a few ideas to get you started:

    Better lighting... believe it or not people are attracted by warm attractive light...

    Sell postage from a window in the back of the store. You might even put in a "you ship it" store. This draws in traffic.

    Install a coin operated copy machine..

    offer upolstry and furnature maintenance books

  • Posted by michael on Member
    Rent a semi trailer and have people donate old furniture. They get a receipt and it is good for some dollar amount discount in the store.

  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Do you just want more foot traffic or do you want more sales? If it's just foot traffic, then offer your space for clubs to meet in, sponsor a Chamber mixer, or even create a free childcare area for people to use while they shop in your store (or with a nearby merchant).

    For sales, people purchase furniture for major occasions: moving into a new home/apt, downsizing, college dorm, marriage, etc. For some people, figuring out what fits/looks good in their space is hard to visualize. A high-tech offering would be to take digital photos of their space, and consult in person to show them how your various furniture would look like (virtually, on screen) in their space.
  • Posted by CarolBlaha on Accepted
    Give them a reason to come in. Look at it from the customers point of view-- why would you come in?

    Do more than lighting and signage and having a sale. Start marketing in ways other than print.

    I just got engaged and a local store here has called me asking me to set a bridal registry at their store. Not for one item, but like the honeymoon registries-- people can send $5 in if they want, and it goes to future purchase.

    Talk to designers, do show homes, join and work networking groups, host a IIDA meeting, host a chamber meeting, have a pancake breakfast, an Easter Egg hunt, target returning students--give people a reason to come!

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