
Topic: Research/Metrics

Entrepreneur Media Consumption

Posted by Anonymous on 300 Points
I have trolled through almost every piece of online research I can find and none of them give a convincing enough answer as to what types of media entrepreneurs are consuming.

Im looking for drill downs into this - is it lifestlye magazines, business magazines, TV (what shows), radio (what types of stations) do they subscribe (and read) their industry newsletters.

According to almost every distribution page or demographic a media owner gives you... your target market is reading, watching or listening.

Can someone point me in the right direction on where to find a comprehensive set of results, or perhaps give me some answers.

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  • Posted by Levon on Member
    There are a lot of entrepreneurs on this forum -- so you are asking the right question to the right people. Because entrepreneurs and solopreneurs span such a wide range of industries and markets -- it would be hard to find one place that they all use and turn to. Therefore I would break your analysis up by industry, region and possibly network.
  • Posted on Author
    Hi Levon,

    Thanks for your input.

    We target primarily the SME market, and within that market the Professional Services Industries (lawyers, accountants, doctors).

    This might help to clarify things a little...
  • Posted on Member
    Assuming you are in the US and selling b-to-b (lawyers, doctors, etc. as professionals, rather than as consumers) I would think they would be looking at

    The National Law Journal
    State law journals
    ABA publications
    AMA, etc.

    TV and radio are probably trickier (since they have demographic, but not necessarily professional or buying data).

    Can you tell us more about what you're trying to sell?
  • Posted on Author
    Hi everyone,

    Thnank you very much for your responces.
    I really do appreciate the value of this forum to allow marketers to exchange ideas and to share information and experiences.

    This is a real benefit to our industry.

    I shall definately engage further with a research agency to help us obtain some primary research which would probably be the most relevant and up-to-date of anything we could find online.

    Thank you once again for all of you who responded.!

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