
Topic: Strategy

Marketing Strategy For Asian Coconut Trading Co.

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
I am helping out a family friend's Coconut Trading Company (let's just call it CTC for now) that is based in Asia. They import fresh premium coconuts by land directly from Thailand and started out as the only distributor in the local market. They have been in the business for more than a decade now and with no competition over the first few years, they were able to establish good relationships with the restaurants owners, beverage stands and hotels within their country.

About 5 years ago, an employee with the knowledge gathered from working at CTC decided to put up a business in the same trade, New Coconut Trading or NCT. The new player thought that by offering low grade coconut at a lower price will be enough to get into the market. But when they tried to tap into CTC's client, NCT found out that offering a lower price is not enough. So NCT took a different approach by offering other fruit drinks that CTC doesn't have and was able to tap into CTC's client, which the loyal customers supported as long as its not coconut related. So with this, CTC learned to adapt to its competitor and the new changes that came with it but at the same time was able to maintain his client.

Everything seems okay for CTC and NCT until 2008. They are both facing a new challenge as another player made its introduction to the market recently. Rumour has it that previous employees from CTC and NCT joined forces to put up Another New Trading or ANT. And this time ANT is trying its best to tap into both CTC and NCT's client by offering premium and low grade coconuts plus a new array of fruit drinks. Lets add to that the number of mobile vendors who are also now selling low grade quality coconuts in the streets. The demand for premium coconut is getting less as the supply of cheaper coconuts from Thailand is increasing in the local market.

What is the best Marketing Strategy for CTC to be able to survive these new threats and at the same time maintain their market share?

Here are a few things to be considered as well:
1) Packaging wise, CTC cannot really do much about it as their fresh coconut still comes in its husk and were shrink wrapped and labelled with a sticker only.
2) Deliveries are done on a daily basis to guarantee the freshness of their product and follows FIFO system. But in certain cases wherein customers still complain that some coconuts were spoiled, CTC replaces these coconuts to maintain good client relationship.
3) To their loyal customers, CTC provides service freezers that customers can use to stock their coconuts to encourage them to order more.
4) They have just recently undergone a rebranding campaign focusing more on promoting their coconut's quality and freshness rather than price. They have incorporated this to their delivery trucks and provided poster, flyers and table stands to their customers.
5) And lastly with the global inflation, CTC was forced to increase its unit price but due to requests from loyal customers, they still provide subsidized prices and absorb taxes for some of their big customers.

Any inputs will be a big help for them come up with a more suitable Marketing Strategy and avoid extra expenses on trial and error projects.
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Here are a few ideas:

    1) Diversify. If CTC is only selling coconuts, any new company that also offers coconuts will be a threat. Sell other products that CTC's existing clients need.

    2) Make Premium Brand Clearer. What are the benefits to the premium coconut? Taste? Vitamins? Organic? More milk? Less chance of spoil? Continue to highlight the benefits of your products to differentiate them from your competitors.

    3) Make Service Clearer. Why are CTC's customers continuing to purchase from it? Is it your refund policy? Your quality? Low spoilage? If you don't know, ask your clients what are the top 1 or 2 reasons.

    4) Merge (Co-market) with NCT. Use both of your names & customer lists to establish a stronger single brand or ease of ordering.
  • Posted by Inbox_Interactive on Member
    What class are you taking that gave you this interesting assignment?
  • Posted by Inbox_Interactive on Member
    Sorry, I thought given the detail that this was a class assignment and it really did look very interesting. I wanted to see what class (and at what school) was doing this.

    Looks like this one might be a real question, though. An interesting situation.
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks Jay for the inputs.

    Though NCT is interested with a merger, CTC is still having doubts on its success given their past relationship. Since NCT used CTC as a gateway to enter into the market. And with an ironic turn of events, ANT is now doing the same thing to NCT. And again CTC is just another victim in this coconut battle.

    Plans to diversify are also being considered. The owner has recently made some trips in neighboring Asian countries to source out possible new products that they can bring in. Though they found lots of interesting products from the Philippines that are related to coconuts, the problem will be the shipping costs coz unlike importing from Thailand by land, everything will be by air or sea.

    We will definitely look into their service in hopes to improve them more and hopefully still be able to maintain their market share.

    And at the same time, we need to highlight CTC's premium brand. When it comes to CTC coconuts, the taste and the quality of the product will be their advantage. Content wise like vitamins and minerals are the same for every coconut. They used to put 100% Fresh with their collateral before but when did their rebranding, decided to remove that and change it to Refreshingly Natural. The problem we encountered on the freshness is that restaurant owners sometimes tend to forget to return spoils to CTC and still serve them to customers. So with that in mind, CTC decided to remove the 100% Fresh guarantee to protect its brand name due to the third party constraints. Any suggestions on how to better promote his premium coconuts?

    Thanks and I am looking forward to more inputs from everyone.
  • Posted on Author
    Hi Inbox_Interactive.

    I just realized that it may have sounded more like a school assigment given the way I've explained it. *Laughs*

    That being said, yes, this is a true to life situation that's why I am trying to protect the companies involved and although I'm pretty sure that they wouldn't be browsing here, I just needed to make sure that the other parties involved will not get a wind of what we are trying to do for CTC. The owner of CTC is a very good friend and has come to me for help knowing that I am in the field of marketing and that I may be able to give them useful tips.

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