
Topic: Other

Upload Companies' Logos

Posted by Anonymous on 500 Points
As part of my marketing efforts I'd like to have the logos of the organizations I belong to uploaded to my website instead of just listing their names. I would like to upload the logos of the various organizations without having to contact each one of them. My last web guy was able to do it in a half hour on a Saturday night after I gave him my list. What's the techie secret? Where does one go to get the codes?
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  • Posted by iFocus on Member
    If these logos are in your computer then you need to upload them onto your website using your host's uploader or you ftp them. You can create a folder 'logo' in your site (/public_html) and to call these images you will use < img src="logo/mylogo.jpg" >
    If you want these logos to be clickable, then < a href="">< img sec="logo/mylogo.jpg">< /a>
    That should be it
  • Posted by Inbox_Interactive on Accepted
    I think the assumption is that you do not have these logos on your computer.

    You would have to find the logo on the company site, right-click over it and then "save picture as..."

    You may need to edit the image a little.

    You should also be 100% sure that you don't need permission to use the logo in this manner.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    If the logos are on the organizations' websites, you can simply "click-and-drag" the image from the website onto your desktop. You might need to clean up the logo and/or resize it using a graphics program. Then, as Capitol mentions, you'll need to transfer them from your computer to your website, and change your web page to use the logo file instead of the text (note: you'll also want to use an Alt tag so the search engines can "read" the image and know what it refers to). Yes, it will only take you a few minutes (once you know what you're doing).
  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Accepted
    Your techie guy basically copied the picture of the logo from their site to yours. See details listed above.

    But, a word of caution. Many companies are sensitive to how and where their logo is displayed. Further, larger fortune 500 companies have different logos for different use. You need to be careful that you do not accidentally irritate a client.

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