
Topic: Strategy

Moving To New Shop; New Services; Now What!?

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Year two of successful meals-to-go, lunch and catering business moving to very busy area on a main street. Because of our new location, I can add more services and expand lunch business. Budget is tight but I will spend $ to get potential customers in to see and sample our food. I've hosted one-day open houses before and generally see the same faces (chamber commerce) and people just looking for free food. I am seeking ideas on hosting something different and attention getting. Anyone can set out trays of samples... I need your creativity to make this different and get people in my store! Thank you!
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  • Posted by CarolBlaha on Member
    Architects, realtors, lawyers and other professions must have CEU's to keep license current. Product providers submit programs that are applicable for these CEU's-- and present "lunch & learns'. I have a rep agency and do several of these a month. Often the wait list for larger firms can be 6 months or more. These firms often recommend preferred caterers-- based on food preferences. They also do many working lunches, breakfasts etc. I'd deliver a sample of the food, present your menu and ask to be one of their recommended suppliers. You can easily find who to target by free sites as

    Sell Well and Prosper tm
  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Member
    Build something around the up and coming US electrons. Run a mini-election based on the consuption of certain foods.

    Example, Obama Bacon Cakes vs McCain meat pies.

    My guess is with this interesting twist you would get not only new people in but FREE press coverage.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Some ideas:
    Is there a theatre nearby? If so, have people come to you before the show. Their theatre tickets can be delivered to the restaurant, and you'll guarantee them that they'll eat and have time to get to the theatre in plenty of time. As a bonus, serve food appropriate to the play, and have music from the play (or its era) as background music. This will associate your catering business with special occasions.

    If you pride yourself on how quickly you can have someone come in off the street and purchase a meal-to-go, then offer a guarantee (10 minutes from in-to-out, or the meal's free).

    If you can, offer curbside delivery of the meals to go. People can call/email ahead, and when they pull up to your restaurant, you can ring them up, and they can go their way without having to find a parking space.
  • Posted by Markitek on Member
    Before I implemented a bunch of new programs I'd look and see what the new location does on its own. A simple Grand Opening celebration kind of thing. I'd be cautious about trying new programs/incentives/themes at the same time you have the new location, otherwise you may never know which worked: the busier area or the new ideas. Plus, the new location might change the profile of the people that came to the events (replacing the same old faces).

    The new location creates a new baseline. Once you've seen it does for you, then you can start to figure out what you can do to grow incremental sales.
  • Posted on Accepted
    I liked the idea of catering for CEU-based programs, and I have some ideas to take it further.

    * Realize that doctors, dentists, counselors and other medical professionals also have CEU requirements. Don't overlook their programs. If you're near a medical park or hospital campus, you might also reach out to the medical equipment suppliers and drug reps who service the physician offices with special party trays for meetings and holidays.

    * Find the sales-oriented companies near you and offer special deals of volume orders for customer thank-you platters and holiday gifts.

    * Contact the HR departments of the companies close to you to get yourself considered as the caterer or a catering choice for in-office meetings. If you deliver, you'll want to connect with the concierge or building manager of the office buildings near you to get your menu posted for people who are working late or need to order in lunch.

    * Don't overlook nearby urban college campuses, community colleges and training schools. Not only are students always hungry, but you may be able to get your menu added to their Campus Meal Plan which would increase convenience for them and sales for you. Colleges and training schools also often provide lunches for all-day sessions or after-hours classes.

    * If there is a daycare in your office complex, offer a special where parents can pre-order meals to go and pick them up when they pick up their kids. You'd probably want a rotating limited menu that changes by day of the week.

    * Be a good neighbor. Make your place the spot to go by offering 10% off for school sports teams, etc. Participate in the local food bank and the Second Harvest program for leftover food. It's great PR and it does make a difference.

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