
Topic: Research/Metrics

Digital Outdoor Advertising

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Hello! My query has to do with measurement of a distinct media type, namely...Outdoors.

One thought which I needed to cover and request this forum's feedback on is about understanding how we do research in the realm of digital outdoor advertising.

Outdoor media guys typically count footfalls and measure what %age of these footfalls are exposed to the screens. I would like to understand how we get an accurate measurement of:

1. What degree of multiple exposures happens in a multi screen location viz. How do I measure the OTS distribution in a multi screen location - Typically a mall or a food court or a restaurant

2. How do we measure the difference in coverage levels between a single screen location and a multiple screen location again typically a restaurant.

The reason why this is becoming a issue is that competition is installing single screens making the buy cheaper but there is no measure of the extent of coverage.

Any & every thought would be much appreciated!

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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
  • Posted by Levon on Member
    You might also consider split testing a couple of ads against eachother until you find the ad that gets the most ROI.
  • Posted by Vigyan Verma on Accepted
    I am not sure if there are any credible metrics in place yet in OOH (Out of Home/Outdoors) space.

    You've mentioned about some using footfalls as a broad parameter, but in my view, even that is somewhat inaccurate because that says nothing of where exactly the screen is placed and how it affects visibility and impact.

    What I would do is consider the following:

    1. If it is a single screen opportunity-where exactly is the single screen placed. If you're running a mall promotion in an atrium of a mall, and there's an AV connected with the concerned brand running on a large screen next to it, then that would be pretty much impactful.

    2. On the other hand, if there's a prominent single screen capable of creating an impression but away from point of making a purchase decision (say screen on the first level and outlet on the third after you've been exposed to a lot of other stimuli) then that single screen may not be very useful.

    3. If there's a single screen as you enter an outlet with concerned merchandise next to it then that would be pretty much impactful.

    4. However, if the screen can be viewed only if you have got into a check-out que then perhaps it isn't quite useful.

    5. If you have got a brand announcement intended to induce a trial by evoking some curiosity, then one could use multiple screen points, close to the place of consuming, with different creatives to get a positive buzz going.

    6.The other aspect to consider is that many of the OOH screens cater to multiple brands at the same time (in a loop). It would make sense to evaluate whether one should go for exclusivity through branded signage (digital-AV or otherwise) instead of getting into a clutter.

    7. Also, if the choice of form is AV rather than static,the AV would have to be customized for a retail/mall environment- more use of bold 'supers' and less reliance on audio etc-given that the audio levels permissible could be much lower than in a typical TV viewing experience.

    In a nutshell, one has to take many judgement calls based on each unique situation to optimally utilize the OOH medium.

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