
Topic: Other Is Testing Mktg My Product, Now What?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points has decided to test market one sku from my product line to see how it sells. Their order of 100 units were shipped to them last week.

Now what? Do I call all my associates and friends to buy up the product? I can't just sit back - What's my next move?

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  • Posted by Levon on Member
    As un-ethical as it may sound you could astro-turf the product with positive comments and gleaming customer reviews through your friends. Is there a rule in the contract that says you can or can not do that?
  • Posted by CarolBlaha on Member
    You could.... but if they sell because of your pals-- and then sits on the shelf afterward when they stop buying-- you haven't accomplished much. You don't want a sale of 100 units, you want a customer for life.

    Its not always the product, its the demo of the customer-- and for each Target that could be a little different. Can you kick up sales with in store demo of some sort?

    Sell Well and Prosper tm
  • Posted on Author
    Sure, they can follow up with positive comments. But I'm not sure that Target's buyers really pay attention to that.

    There's no contract - There's a whole WEBSITE dedicated to vendor relations with Target. I don't have time nor the patience to read the whole thing for a 100 unit order. :-)
  • Posted on Author
    Carol - Thanks for the response....

    The product will sell well in the Target stores, we just need to get in there.

    This is a test for their only. If it does well online, then it gets passed on to the retail store buyers. I need it to do well online first.

  • Posted on Member
    As a person that reps products and also introduces many products to catalog companies and other direct marketers, I would recommend you start contacting other merchants and using the Target test as a door opener. Kind of like: "Get in on the ground floor with this product, Target is already testing it, you can also be one of the first and cash in."
  • Posted by CarolBlaha on Accepted
    Honestly, I think that is an inconclusive test. There is so much "stuff" on their site, how will yours come up? But-- we have to work with the crayons in our box...

    If you get your friends to buy from the site and they are from one geographic area-- the buyers will see thru that. So, if you go that route, have people from around the country and space the orders. I am sure its not the first time someone has thought of your plan. Their radar will be "up". Realize you are on a slippery slope-- but get the "test" sold. Or you'll never get to 2nd base.

    Do you have a email list base or can buy one? Do what many book marketers do-- buy your product and get a "special offer" -- a freeby. I remember one very successful campaign-- the author assembled over 100 freebies for buying the book. It cost her nothing. She went to people like me, and asked-- would I "give" a 30 minute free consult? She did a emailing of tens of thousands, telling me I'd get great exposure at no cost-- and maybe a future client. I declined, but saw the final promo. The value statement of thousands of dollars of freebies was such a strong value statement that she was #1 bestseller (for only a few days).

    And remember, in one of your comments said you "don't have time to read whatever for 100 units". This is not about an order for 100 units. Think the lifetime value of this customer. Pay attention to details-- they can kill you.

    Sell Well and Prosper tm
  • Posted on Author
    Schulte - Wouldn't other retailers be turned off by the fact that their competition for my product will be Target! Wouldn't I want to hide this news from my current and future customers?

  • Posted by CarolBlaha on Member
    Mouse-- You are correct-- there are many retailers that once you put a product in a big box-- they want nothing of it. That is why a lot of people selling to Target private label vs use their own product name. This is different with a "core product"-- few flooring stores can even build a business without a big name like Shaw. But a non-core product, they'll send you packing. I don't see any benefit to disclosing any of your clients-- unless they are out of their target market.
  • Posted on Author
    Carol - Yes - I'll need to make new friends from around the country. That was the plan.

    The "freebie" idea is interesting, but it will be a logistical nightmare since the products aren't shipping from my warehouse. If they were, we would then be able to include anything we want in the box.

    Thanks to all for your thoughts!
  • Posted by CarolBlaha on Member
    What the book marketers do-- is ask for the buyer to send in their receipt. Their products aren't being sold out of their warehouse, but B&N, Amazon.
  • Posted on Accepted
    Congratulations on a tremendous opportunity! Now I recommend that you promote this product and drive customers to your page on the Target site to buy it. Promoting it to strangers (rather than friends) is a chance to affiliate your product with a well known brand such as Target and build your brand.

    So how do you get the word out? The fastest way is to do a Google Adwords campaign and direct traffic to your product page on the Target site. I recommend an online campaign because it will drive traffic instantly and it has a descent ROI. This is also a great way to gauge audience response to your product and see if you need to tweak the packaging or presentation of it.

    If you need help with this, feel free to contact me (see my profile for details). I can help you myself or steer you to a good PPC campaign management service.

    Best of Luck!

  • Posted on Accepted
    Congrats! Now be READY! If Target wants your product, they will order LARGE quantities for the fall retail selling season (and I MEAN LARGE QUANTITIES).

    Do you have the inventory on hand or ready on-demand? Get your ducks in a row and be sure that you have the funding to provide them with what they want/need in a short amount of time.

    I recently wrote an article about this and would be happy to send it to you offline if you like.
    In the mean time, don't just sit back and wait. Check your marketing and product development strategies, make sure that you're on schedule for your OTHER clients and continue to sell, sell, sell. In this economy, you can't afford to sit and wait on just one client, hit Wal-Mart, and some of the other box retailers too and don't forget to pay attention to your existing customers. Remember, it costs considerably less to keep a current client than it does to woo a new one - focus on customer retention and stick to your strategy - it's working for you so far!
  • Posted on Author
    Alexa: Google Adwords...good idea. I'll keep it in mind.

    Renee: Thanks for the advice - Hopefully the product does well. I'll email you for that article shortly.
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Member
    Alexa's Google Adwords suggestion is very good. But I wouldn't stop there. Shoot a video of your product, Place it on a dozen video hosting sites e.g. youtube. Then set up a blog on wordpress or blogspot. Then register with all the social networking sites e.g. digg, mashable etc

    Why are you doing all this. The answer is to point all viewers to your product on the site. If you pre-sell and educate your customers and then build traffic to where they can buy, you will increase sales.

    best of luck,

  • Posted by Lazenby on Member
    I would tell you there is another very important element to all of this, data management.

    You are in the door. Your product should do well enough on-line, make sure it does.

    One of the key elements of working with these types of customers is your interest in their business. This means getting setup to use their database system, communicate the data regularly and show them why this is working or not working and why.

    Lastly, to the point of the inventory comments you will want to ensure you are aligned with them for the POS forecast as well as the armed with the appropriate human resources to keep them happy.

    The short version is dealing with the mega accounts you must have someone you are paying to own the data analysis and proactive communication of your companies POV on the subject/performance.

    Sorry to babble. I have 11 years of experience in doing this with the worlds largest 5 retailers so I can get into the weeds on this stuff quickly.

    If I can help feel free to reach out. Best of luck...remember getting the sell is the easy part in this world.
  • Posted on Author
    Thank you all for the great insight and ideas. Let's hope it gets me somewhere!
  • Posted on Member
    I would like to know where and how to register as a retailer on or how to get my product approved to sell at Target or on

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