
Topic: Other

Demographics In The Eco Products Market

Posted by Jane on 250 Points

can anyone help me? I am trying to determine whether there is such a thing as a classification system of customer demographics in the environmental products market.

I am sure I have seen this before, it classifies approx six different types of customer who purchase eco-friendly products, beginning with the 100% committed eco/ethical consumer who won't purchase anything unless its organic/fairtrade/eco friendly.

Does anyone know what I am talking about - can you point me in the right direction??
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
  • Posted by CarolBlaha on Member
    Green Marketing by Jacquelin Ottman does a good job of this. I did my Masters Thesis on Green Marketing trends and had about 20 references. I was also a founding board member of the CO Chapter, US Green Building Council. Their website,, does a good job of "making the case".

    Sell Well and Prosper tm
  • Posted by Levon on Member
    @ Carol

    Green Marketing Trends? So is this a trend or a fashion movement (referring to the green movement)?

    @ db_in_atlanta

    I would think that a classification of this level would have to be made on certain products and customer bases before parallels could be drawn between an entire market segment.

  • Posted by CarolBlaha on Member
    Its not a trend or fashion movement. Its the way life is becoming. When I sat at the first organizing meeting of the US Green Building Council, I remember saying green building and building will be synonymous. And it is, to build to code, many green attributes that were optional are not required. Every manufacturer has incorporated green methods of manufacturing-- from Steel to Ford, to how carpet is made. Ford is a zero waste manufacturer, has a LEED certified manufacturing plant and is manufacturing high mileage cars. Its not a trend, its the way life is and will continue to be.
  • Posted by Jane on Author
    This has been a fascinating day - I am working on a strategy for a company specialising in green baby products so the insights I've had into the 'green market' have been great.

    Jay you are a MARKETING GOD! You knew exactly what I meant, the green LOHAS categories from the Natural Marketing Institute was exactly what I was looking for. The link you provided also led me to find the Roper Org's 'Green Gauge' which also segments green consumers into psychographic categories from the 'True Blue Greens' to the 'Apathetics'. Fantastic stuff! Now I just need to establish if these categories apply in the UK...
  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Member
    I work with a couple of Environmental groups and know a number of the folks active in it...

    Here are some extremes
    Activist - Goes Green regardless of the cost (a very small group)
    Supporter - Goes Green on some things especially high profile stuff
    Environmentally aware - swings to green when the price is miminal
    Normal folks - goes green when gas is 5 bucks a gallon

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