
Topic: Research/Metrics

Best Features Of Marketing Reports

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
I'm new to marketing and have been tasked with researching marketing reports (forecasting/budgeting, campaign spend, campaign results, ROI). I was hoping you could tell me what features you like best in such products as Business Objects, Siebel, Cognos, SAP, Hyperion, and any other products you have used. Are there any reports that you must manually create regardless of which reporting tool you use? Thank you!
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  • Posted by Dawson on Member
    That's a very broad questoin Terri. Can you tighten it up at all?

    What types of reports are you looking to evaluate - management reports? ROI evaluation? Dashboards (generic)?

    Siebel, Cognos, SAP etc offer big ticket reporting systems. they are generally enterprise wide as opposed to marketing specific. There is a clear line between operational systems. reporting systems and intelegence systems so it would help to understand what you're most interested in. Each organisations website will give you a tonne of info.

    Also, take a look at Gartner for reports on these sectors. See worth googling MRM systems.

  • Posted by Dawson on Accepted
    Hi Terri,

    I don't actually believe there is any one system that reports the "end to end" marketing process especially well - at least not if you're looking across the full range of marketing channels.

    For budget vs actual spends, MRM systems such as Unica, Aprimo and CapitalID might be useful places to look.

    For Impression / Response / Action planning, you're really focusing on "direct" sales channels. Many MRM systems capture some of this info but they rarely go across more than one channel at a time.

    For ROI, many organisations produce customised reports (although my company has recently launched a tool specifically designed to measure and report this).

    In short, I don't know of a single solution that does the above well - at least not in a multi-channel manner. I've been involved in an number of projects to develop systems and processes to capture and report exactly this type of data and in the majority of cases, we produced customised solutions as nothing "off the shelf" would do all of the above in one easy package.

    Feel free to contact me directly if you want more info on my experience –


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