
Topic: Strategy

Optimum Marketing Organizational Chart

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
We are a $100 Million global company growing at a 10 - 15% annual rate and are in the process of assessing our marketing department. Currently we are structured accordingly: 5 product directors managing 5 product lines under the VP sales and marketing; with a two person independent marketing team reprorting into the VP as well in charge of market research, business development, pr, communications and advertising (outsourced and managed where appropriate). The sales team is divided globally (US, SA, EU, PanAsia) and reports into the VP also. The PD's have P&L responsibility globally. This structure seems disconnected so we're assessing, identifying gaps and trying to develop a more insync org structure. Any suggested input would be helpful. Other companies org charts, how to align PD's globally - all questions we have.
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  • Posted by Levon on Member
    Is this a HRM issue or a Marketing issue?
  • Posted by Susan Oakes on Accepted
    As organisational charts differ eg. B2B or B2C, Google some global companies and go to their websites where you will often find how they organise their marketing and sales efforts.

    It is a good idea to align sales and marketing, especially at the top level.

    If the product lines are in the same category, then you can have a PD in charge of the category, marketers then responsible for the different lines in different regions.

    Also consider not having an independent marketing department and bring PR, advertising and communication under the marketers responsible for the brands to ensure consistency.

    Best of luck

  • Posted by melissa.paulik on Accepted
    It would be good to know what the specific disconnects are, but a couple things jump out at me.

    If the VP of sales and marketing is a really a "sales guy" the marketing people may be feeling disconnected because they are being ignored. Creating a VP of marketing role (might) be beneficial. Impossible to know without more info. Of course, good luck getting your VP to give up control over half his or her organization.

    Are the product directors actually product managers? IF so, it's really odd, IMO, to have them reporting into a VP of sales.

    If it's a disconnect globally, a reorg probably won't solve it. There I find it's usually more about finding ways to help the team to communicate with each other. When I've managed disconnected global teams, I worked on this, but I also didn't sweat it too much. The law of diminishing returns applies, and in some cases negative returns, if you try to get everyone perfectly in sync.

    All the best!

  • Posted on Author

    Thank you for your response. Your assumptions that the disconnects are both the confusion of product managers reporting in through sales and global.

    I agree communication will be key. The company is willing to look at separating marketing and sales; however, we're in a growth stage that they're not ready to initiate that separation until the growth is accepted and solid.

    How would you see the PM's working (they are product managers - 5 independent divisions)? Currently they have P&L responsibility, but it sometimes results in disconnects from the company brand without a centralized marketing head. Thanks again.

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