
Topic: Other

*selecting Location For Dental / Medical Practice*

Posted by Anonymous on 333 Points
What are the benefits of selecting a high visibility location for a dental or medical practice?
More importantly is there any data that could aid in determining if the additional cost of prime, street level space will be offset by the revenue generated solely because of its higher visibility?

I am looking for hard facts (statistics, research papers, or articles that cite sources). Opinions, although appreciated, will not be awarded points, as the intended use for this information is a market research report for a Medical & Dental business.

Please ask for any clarifications that might assist you in answering this question.

Thank you in advance,
Luke Zukowski
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
  • Posted by Levon on Member
    Studies confirm that it is a multitude of factors that contribute to success and yes location is key:

  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Member
    I am not sure that location is necessarily key.

    Of course, a good location can be beneficial. But good locations come with higher rents. The question to be answered is whether their is extra business to cover the extra rent costs.

    The benefits to a high profile location for a business is either walk in business or people who choose to go to their business based on who they have seen in past travels. This is often important to general retail businesses.

    But, I am not sure these are necessarily key for a business like a dentist or doctor. I suspect most people choose a dentist or doctor based on something other than this (at least in the States - not sure about Canada, where you are located).

    The only proof I have for this is what dentists and doctors have been using in markets around me, and that generally is not store front locations located on main retail strips. Instead, they are generally clustered in medical offices, often outside of main business districts of towns.
  • Posted on Author
    Thank you all for your input; Jay's was most helpful.

    Luke Zukowski

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