
Topic: Strategy

How To Increase Users Of A Mobile Travel Guide?

Posted by aspalato on 500 Points
The product I want to promote is a travel guide application for mobile phones. Though compatible with all mobile phones the target users are Smartphone users (Symbian and Windows Mobile devices) that either travel to destination country or live there and are interested in some of its many features. It is free for the end-user, and the business model is add-based.

The problem is this: the people who downloaded it and installed it had extremely positive comments but since it completely new, it is still unknown to the vast majority of target users.
The question is:
What can be done to increase the number of users, besides the measures listed below that are already being implemented ?
Measures already being implemented:
- PR (this story is newsworthy on several levels)
- viral campaign (notify 5 friends and participate in a prize drawing)
- Google AdWords
- web links (various related travel sites)
- forums/blogs (where target users hang out)
- retail promotion (the application is given as a free gift with a purchase of a new mobile phone)
- retail tourist promotion and key tourist spots

Thanks in advance for all your suggestions.
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    It sounds like you've done a number of good things already. The problem of low usage might simply be the size of your target market: those that have the phone AND travel to the destination company.

    In addition to what you're doing, write articles for submission to magazines (and article banks, such as eZine Articles). The point of the article would be: "10 Tips To Travel Easier With Technology" (for example). The article itself wouldn't be a hard-sell for your software, but a roundup of problems/solutions that technology can assist with.

    Also, determine what's missing from your application from making it a "must-have". For example: currency converter, language frequent phrases, etiquette tips, and inexpensive calling options.
  • Posted by aspalato on Author
    Thanks Jay,
    it does have all that and much more, but you make it good point by emphasizing user experience
  • Posted by Mikee on Member
    Where can this be used? That information may be helpful when thinking of advertising and PR.

  • Posted by aspalato on Author
    anywhere, anytime. It is a software application for mobile phone, user can download it online, or get it via SMS link easily.
  • Posted by Mikee on Member
    I think my question wasn't stated clearly. Where in the world is the travel guide for, Asia, Europe, Australia, US? Is it for particular cities, countries or continents?

  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Member
    I second Jay's comment about articles.

    If budget allows, advertisements in travel magazines cold also work. Along with standard travel magazines, you could also do magazines such as the in-flight magazines provided by airlines.
  • Posted by Levon on Member
    Offer a link to download on partner and affiliate sites and increase your reach.
  • Posted by aspalato on Author
    it is initially focused on several popular travel destinations in Europe, countries.
  • Posted by Mikee on Accepted
    In the states, pople often time use Travelocity or Orbitz to shop airfare accomodations, etc. You might get in touch with them to find out about advertising or partnering.

    I know we also visit a site to see what people said about places they went. This site could be a great match because these people are already seeking advice. They have advertising there. You may even get some people to post some testimonials of your service there. This is probably better than advertising in some sense.

    What about advertising in airline ticket sleeves, inflight entertainment or the airline's free magazines. This might pan out. I really do not know the cost on those, I imagine it is not cheap.

    It really seems like you need to create a partnership with some of the cell companies so that they could push your product. They stand to gain as peoples data usuage will increase. As this is could be out of network for some the gain could be fairly significant.

    Hope this helps,

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