
Topic: Strategy

Best Use Of Tech. In Marketng A Welding Consultany

Posted by sanjay.bahl on 125 Points
I would like to have some expert advice here.
we have a business of supplying welding consumables to process industries(sugar, paper etc..) ,we also have a rich experience and knowhow of technology, metallurgy involved in welding process. Currently almost 80% of our revenues come from supplying consumables, Now we want to leverage our know how and provide training/consultancy to process industry engineers and to welding consumable manufacturer’s sales staff.A positive fact is that the welding industry needs trained staff/knowledge which is largely missing.

we have build a website which has features like:-
-- a blog (where we'll put welding articles/tips and circulate among maintenance mangers of companies .)
--a forum -- where people could come and exchange welding/repair knowledge.
--Post brochures and plans for trainings we can organize.

The dilemma is that “Here in India ,maintenance managers are not internet savvy, i doubt how many would visit the second time ,
Most of them have computers but don’t visit/surf the net so often.

# what strategy should we follow with such a clientele in order to make the best use of a website.
# what can be some ideas except from a blog and forum i can incorporate to broaden this training/consultancy stream.

Please guide me.
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Mail DVDs of welding tips to customers.
    Can you offer a welding tv show?
  • Posted by Frank Hurtte on Accepted
    Provide tickler information with links back to the site.

    Make the links short and consice so they can be copied easily.
  • Posted by sanjay.bahl on Author
    Thanks for your suggestions
  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Accepted
    Having a blog and a forum is nice, but you shouldn't expect people to visit on a repeat basis unless you're REMINDING them to do so. Perhaps that's what Frank meant.

    Build an email list and periodically send out a short message or summary of your latest blog post or the most interesting discussions on your forum. Include links to those, of course.

    Your blog and forum pages should have a short form in a sidebar where people can subscribe to your email updates, too.

    Good luck!

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