
Topic: Strategy

Jerry Maquire:

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Many of you have all seen the blockbuster movie called Jerry Maguire, and as you can see it has inspired me so much, that I eventually chose it as a career path. I won't say I look like Tom Cruise, that might seem arrogant, but I have similar features and a prettier girlfriend ha ha...

I am a sports fanatic, I studied BCom Sports Management, and I did my BCom Hons in Marketing Management. I have been working as a sponsorships & events coordinator at one of the leading banks in South Africa for the last 4 years, organizing and working on the banks sponsorships. I am 25 years old, I have made lots of contacts in the sports industry, I have spotted a gap in the market, and I am ready to go on my own.

This leads me to my question, I am struggling to find a good company name. But first let me tell you what I want to do:

-Sponsorship & Media Consulting
-Event creation, management & sponsorship sales
-Client Representation & brand management, etc

I will obviously start small, but I would like to have 3 business pillars; Sports, Entertainment & Media (later on).

I wish I could use the name Jerry Maguire, but I can't, or can I? Other names that has stuck with me are:
Sports Tactix
Jerry Maquire International (JMI)??
The Game Plan

And I have thought of the following slogans:
....Let us/me show you the money!
....Failure defeats losers & inspires winners
....Do you have a game plan?
.... Let's help you with a financial game plan

The values that I want to have for my company:
-Rewarding relationships

I am stuck in a rut, please help!!! I would love to hear from you all... I am ready to rock & roll, but I need a name.

Goodbye from a sunny South Africa, 2010 FIFA World Cup here we come!

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  • Posted by Inbox_Interactive on Member
    I can't help you with a name or slogan, but I would abandon any and all reference to the movie.

    It's going to come across like you're someone who saw the film and thought, "Cool! That's what I wanna do!" without having any idea as to what you're doing.

    I do wish you the best of luck in your venture.
  • Posted by CarolBlaha on Accepted
    Yes, I wouldn't call your biz Jerry McQuire-- its a fictional character and it would diminish your good work.

    I'll address the values-- run with passion and rewarding relationships - and expand from there. While you hve integrity, trust and are honest- people expect those and they aren't unique. In this biz you also have to be bold, and continually think outside the box-- and outside the no to find a way to get a yes.

    Out of your taglines, I like "do you have a game plan" best-- but it is limiting in that it excludes entertainment.

    Sell Well and Prosper tm

  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Since each pillar is for a different client base, consider 3 company names/taglines instead, but with a parent company name (such as JMG International - if you're wed to that as your inspiration).
  • Posted on Author
    Thank you so much for all your input, I guess it makes sense not to go with the Jerry Maquire idea, but rather to have more focus, and have a more professional "look" and "feel" seeing that I'll be working with professional sports people, and their careers.

    It is a very competitive market, and personal relationships are key, but I want this to be different, any further ideas??
  • Posted by Inbox_Interactive on Accepted
    Just one suggestion, keeping in mind that I don't know you or your capabilities.

    I'd start off with only the events business (including sponsorships sales) and leave the other stuff on hold until you have a business from which to expand.

    (Actually, my real advice to you would be to go work at a firm that does all of these things--the things you want to do--and put in five years. But, given that you're 25, and given how well I took advice when *I* was 25, I'm not going to waste your time!)

    I think if you launch your business with all of these services, you'll look like you don't do any of them well. Start off with the component that you actually have experience in and in which most of your contacts probably apply.

    Then, once you have established yourself, your image, your professionalism, et cetera, you can add these other services. In particular, I think you're going to have a hard time getting clients to manage when, at least from what I've read, you've never really done that before.

    If I'm wrong, please do say so.

    - Paul

  • Posted by CarolBlaha on Member
    You know, it would be totally appropriate for you -- when you get that big office to put a movie pix of Jerry McQuire on the wall. And since you're in the field-- I bet you could have Tom autograph it! He's very approachable -- we did a fundraiser and send a blind letter to a bunch of celebrities for our silent auction-- asking for autographed pix or other memorabilia. He was one of those who responded!
  • Posted by CarolBlaha on Member
    You know, it would be totally appropriate for you -- when you get that big office to put a movie pix of Jerry McQuire on the wall. And since you're in the field-- I bet you could have Tom autograph it! He's very approachable -- we did a fundraiser and send a blind letter to a bunch of celebrities for our silent auction-- asking for autographed pix or other memorabilia. He was one of those who responded!
  • Posted on Author
    Hi Paul

    Yes I do work for a big firm, in their sponsorships department, and I have established some really nice contacts, but I need to start using those contacts to my advantage...

    I am actaully helping out a lot of school/university athletes already, with their careers, whether it be advice, new contacts, contracts, sponsorships, etc. But just as a friend, who is always keen to help. Hence, my thoughts to start a business instead whereby it becomes my profession and not something I do on the side. But you are right, I have lots to learn, and will start small, definitely!

    My areas of expertise are sponsorships & events, and career management on the side.

    I should have started my brief off by saying, that I always set myself big goals (so I know where I am heading), but take it each step at a time...

    CarolBlaha - I like the idea of the poster ha, I'll think of a nice clever way to keep it a nice sports marketing feeling...

    I guess, I just need an appropriate name, and I am struggling with that, I need to think more....
  • Posted on Author
    Check out our website it is only in phase 1, but it gives you an idea of what we do.

    I am an event coordinator, working on schoolboy/university rugby sponsorships. We actually replicated the American College Football which we call the FNB Varsity Cup here in South Africa, which has been fascinating! Some of my colleagues actually went to the USA in June 2008, where they visited The University of Nebraska (the huskers ha), and they were very helpful in showing us the way they do things, and we took a lot of ideas that we'll be implementing for 2009.

    However, just to get back to my question, I have been in the sports industry with a very big company for four years now, I am keen on going one more year, but then I want to go on my own, start off small and take it from there...

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