
Topic: Strategy

How To Locate Executive Level It Conferences And Events?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Our company Wendover Consulting, Inc would like to begin sponsoring, attending, and speaking at executive level technology conferences and events.

Does anyone know of websites or companies that identify these conferences and events?

Thank you in advance for any insight!

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  • Posted by Inbox_Interactive on Accepted
    I'm sure there are a number of ways you can get this sort of information, but I think one option is to simply read the various print and online publications that your prospects and customers are reading, keeping your eyes peeled for advertisements about upcoming events.

    The thing is, by the time you see the ad, the event had probably already been largely booked (not to late to book space, but too late to submit a proposal to be a speaker, which is really the best spot for you to be in).

    Therefore, I'd go back and look through 12 months worth of previous issues (print versions, at least) and look for events that might be repeated soon, then get in touch with the event organizer or show owner, BEFORE the upcoming show has been finalized.

    Looking forward to seeing how others handle this!

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