
Topic: Other

Marketing An Outdoor Sports Stadium

Posted by Anonymous on 1 Points
This is extremely challenging. I'm trying to market the McMahon stadium in Canada (Calgary). [inactive link removed]

Does anyone have any ideas?


[Moderator: Inactive link removed from post. 2/14/2011]
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  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Member
    Well, judging from the info on your website, it certainly looks like you have plenty of high profile users of the stadium. That, in and of itself is an important asset to your marketing campaign.

    Which raises the question Michele posted...what are your specific objectives? What have you tried? What are you doing now? What is the problem?

    If you can clarify your question a bit, we can and will be glad to help you as much as possible.

    Otherwise, in order to respond appropriately, we would essentially have to author a complete marketing proposal!!

    Please respond with more info! Thanks!!

  • Posted by ReadCopy on Member
    You seem to have many negatives on your side, and you may be right in all of them, it is always possible that your board may have to go back to basics.

    Part of the strategic management process is to identify opportunities for growth and survival, and the answers to three very basic are important here.

    Looking at your businesses own capabilities and resources:

    1. What can we do in terms of opportunities that we see?
    2. What do we do best in terms of our own capabilities, reources and distinctive competences?
    3. What must we do in terms of achieving success in a particular market or with a particular service?

    To help answer these questions, you need to do a SWOT.

    You may find from this that your weaknesses (internally) and threats (from competitors) may discount this type of activity altogether, but there may be additional opportunities in other ventures.

    I hope that this helps a little!
  • Posted by Blaine Wilkerson on Member
    I think Jacco is right on track with the winter/extreme sports theme.

    It all ties into targeting the correct demographic. You'll have better luck approaching local BMX, motocross, and "extreme sports" stores. Mountian climbing competitions could be atrractive as well. Being a climber myself, cold weather is par for the course.

    You'd most likely hit a brick wall trying to get concerts etc when the indoor arenas are readily available. It would be like selling snow cones to Eskimos. (No offense to all you Eskimos out there!).

    Go after the type of people/companies that participate outdoors no matter what the weather is like, such as those mentioned above....unless you invest in an inflatable, heated exhibition building ( they really make those by the way).

    Good Luck!

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