
Topic: Strategy

3000 Points -- New Ideas To Drive Traffic To A Grand Opening

Posted by Anonymous on 3000 Points
Hello Everyone.

This question has two parts, but revolves around car dealerships.

The first situation is a new client of ours. They are a Philadelphia car dealership who sells Kia and Dodge. We have been making their ads for the past month, and business for the Dodge vehicles is absolutely booming. But the Kia sales are lagging. Competitors are offerring free this and free that with each purchase, so we countered with an incenitve of our own - free luggage. Anyway, sales are still slow. Kia is not doing so well anywhere, and the company's struggles are in the news. I would like to hear some innovative ideas about how to drive more traffic to Kia.

The second situation involves a Grand Opening of another car dealership who deals Volkswagens and Mazdas. The grand opening is for the VW dealership, and I need some fresh and clever ideas/tactics/messages for the grand opening.

In both cases we mostly run newspaper ads, some other local print, and billboards, and radio. Please try to suggest ideas that can thrive in the given media.

Any and all comments are appreciated!
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  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Member
    I think the reason people don't like Kias is the reputation for problems (that is my perception of them). So you need to find ways to overcome this reputation (push the long warranty, have the dealership provide free loaner cars for service appointments, etc.).

  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Accepted
    Hi aosterday,

    The way I understand it, Kia is the less Toyota-like sister brand to Hyundai. As you know, Hyundai recently gained ground in J.D. Powers first months of ownership satisfaction rankings, making it a contender with the top brands, Kia is consistently described by auto magazine editors as “not up to the same level” as Hyundai and therefore not as attractive to consumers (resale and driving experience big factors).

    However, I drove a Kia and it wasn’t that bad, better than I expected. The rising quality tide of Korean manufacturing is apparently floating all cars (pardon the mixed up metaphor).

    So here’s my suggestion. The Kia overnight test drive. I know there are cost downsides to making such an offer – but if you are strongly motivated to move Kia’s this may be a way for your potential customers to have enough time in the seat to become believers. It certainly would appeal to me as a potential auto buyer.

    Another option would be the "day pass" test drive. I recall a dealer letting me drive an Infinity all day, no questions asked. Certainly a little more practical.

    Hope this helps

    - Steve
  • Posted by Inbox_Interactive on Accepted
    I don't expect to get any points for this (but you're free to surprise me!), but I do want to give you some very quick feedback on your question. (Obviously an entire marketing plan for a car dealership grand opening is outside the scope of an online forum.)

    Re: Kia, I don't know that premiums are going to help. Although I have no research to support this, I don't think people make the second biggest purchase of their life because of free steak knives. And I tend to think that the demographics of Kia buyers don't indicate that luggage is a very strong premium; are these people really big travelers?

    I think the idea of free loaners and pushing the warranty is very good. Kia buyers are in it for the value, so show it to them.

    Re: VW, I perceive VW buyers as borderline automobile enthusiasts; German cars tend to have better "feel" to them when compared to Japanese or American counterparts. I think an event that would really get people to the showroom would be a street autocross setup in the parking lot with cones and one of the new GTIs available for lap times. An insurance nightmare for sure, but it could be done. Maybe also an obstacle course for the Touareg, with bumps and water and mud.

    Okay, that's nuts, but I bet people would show! Better than hot dogs and balloons, that's for sure... :)
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Member
    Free lemonade :-)
  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Accepted

    If the budget is almost non-existent you could do the following:

    Invite the top marching band in that city to play (This would not cost much and would automatically draw a crowd of moms & dads, friends and faculty from the school) i.e., potential prospects who might turn into potential customers.

    Invite the top high school athletes in the city to sign autographed pictures. (This may consist of football, cross country track, tennis, vollyball, gymnastics and baseball)

    Invite top entertainers in the city out to play a few sets on the parking lot grounds.

    Hope this helps for inexpensive ideas. Is there anything else I can do for you Andrew?

    Your Servant, Deremiah, *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist)

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